Date | Title | Description |
1/30/2018 | Fibershed | Rebecca Burgess, founder and executive director of the organization Fibershed, discusses the emerging agroecology of wool, cotton, and other fibers that serves ecosystems and economies at a human scale.; Resources: Fibershed |
1/23/2018 | Ecosystem Rights: The Colorado River | Environmental activist Deanna Meyer and lawyer Will Falk from Deep Green Resistance discuss the first of its kind in the US lawsuit that seeks to establish legal personhood for the Colorado River Ecosystem and with it the rights of nature.; Resources: Colorado River Ecosystem Rights Lawsuit; Deep Green Resistance |
1/16/2018 | Uncertainty | This week Layna Berman suggests that living with uncertainty presents an opportunity. Her lecture uses principles from Soto Zen Buddhism along with an exploration of how religions and cultures worldwide understands what happens to us after death.; Resources: NON-FICTION After Death by Sukie Miller; <Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki; The Places That Scare You by Pema ChodronFICTION The Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeier; Elsewhere by Gabrielle ZevinFILMS Jacob’s Ladder; After Life; Beetlejuice; The Fountain; Groundhog DayTV Dead Like Me |
1/9/2018 | Dark Times | Health educator Layna Berman discusses strategies for using the dark time of year to prepare for growth during the Spring.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Feeling Powerless and Being Powerless |
1/2/2018 | Only Love Remains | Conservation biologist Guy McPherson, PhD, author of Going Dark, discusses what to do when you accept that climate catastrophe and ecosystem collapse are irreversible.; Resources: Going Dark by Guy R. McPherson; Nature Bats Last |
12/26/2017 | Heart Surgery Dangers | Non-invasive cardiologist Howard Wayne, MD discusses the dangers of angioplasty, bypass surgery, and stents to treat heart disease.; Resources: Do You Really Need Bypass Surgery? A Second Opinion and How to Protect Your Heart From Your Doctor by Howard Wayne, MD and The Noninvasive Heart Center |
12/19/2017 | Where You Live | Sarah van Gelder, cofounder and editor-at-large of Yes! magazine and author of The Revolution Where You Live, discusses the emergence of place-based power.; Resources: The Revoluation Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000-mile Journey Through a New America by Sarah van Gelder; Yes! magazine |
12/12/2017 | A New Democracy | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD play excerpts from and discuss the film We the People 2.0 about the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund in its work to establish the rights of nature and communities.; Resources: We the People 2.0; Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund; National Community Rights Network |
12/5/2017 | Twenty Years of Nourishing Traditions | A re-broadcast of an interview with Sally Fallon Morell and lipid researcher the late Dr. Mary Enig recorded after the first publishing of their groundbreaking book Nourishing Traditions, almost twenty years ago. Still in publication, the book has changed cooking and eating habits worldwide.; Resources: ; Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition & the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig;Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashoined Remedy for the Modern World by Sally Fallon Morell; Weston A. Price Foundation |
11/28/2017 | Self-care as Revolution | Layna Berman explores self care not as self-indulgence but as the hard work and radical action of the examined life.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/21/2017 | The Alcohol Revolution | David Blume, Executive Director of the International Institute for Ecological Agriculture author of Alcohol Can Be a Gas, discusses alcohol, permaculture, and Consumer Supported Energy.; Resources: Alcohol Can Be a Gas by David Blume; Blume Distillation; International Institute for Ecological Agriculture |
11/7/2017 | The Poison Papers | Jonathan Latham, PhD, founder and executive director of the Bioscience Resource Project, discusses the implications of the Poison Papers, a collection of documents dating from the 1920s showing how regulators collude with industry in promoting harmful chemicals.; Resources: Poison Papers Project; Bioscience Resource Project; Independent Science News |
10/31/2017 | Indigenous People Protect Natural Communities | Prakash Kashwan, PhD, from the University of Connecticut, author of Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico discusses why indigenous people as protectors of natural communities; Resources: Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico by Prakash Kashwan;Prakash Kashwan webpage |
10/24/2017 | Detoxification Made Complicated | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the body's natural detoxification pathways and how to boost them using nutrients.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/10/2017 | Headline Distractions | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss how the three to five news stories that dominate the news cycle at any given time from media along the entire political spectrum distract us from what will actually make things better.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/3/2017 | The Role of Sulphur | Stephanie Seneff, PhD is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory discusses her research into how disruption in sulphur metabolism plays a role in many modern diseases/conditions, such as autism, heart disease, obesity, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease. ; Resources: Stephanie Seneff’s website; Comment: Involuntary Medical Experiments |
9/26/2017 | Alzheimer’s is a Metabolic Disease | Certified Nutrition Specialist Amy Berger, author of The Alzheimer’s Antidote: Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Loss, and Cognitive Decline discusses how nutritional change can slow, stop, even reverse Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias.; Resources: The Alzheimer’s Antidote: Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Loss, and Cognitive Decline by Amy Berger; Amy Berger’s website |
9/19/2017 | Building Community | Ma’ikwe Ludwig, Executive Director of Commonomics USA, discusses her book Together Resilient: Building Community in the Age of Climate Disruption and the intentional community movement.; Resources: Together Resilient: Building Community in the Age of Climate Disruption by Ma’ikwe Ludwig; Ma’ikwe Ludwig’s website; Fellowship for Intentional Community; Commonomics USA |
9/12/2017 | EMF Radiation Safety | Daniel DeBaun, author of Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology and former executive at Bell Labs, discusses the health risks of wireless and electronic technologies and how to reduce those risks.; Resources: Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology by Daniel DeBaun and Ryan DeBaun; Radiation Nation: The Book; DefenderShield |
9/5/2017 | Your Nervous System | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the assaults on your nervous system and what you can do to help it.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/29/2017 | Microwave Saturation | Mary Beth Brangan, director of the Ecological Options Network, discusses 5G (the fifth generation of wireless technology) and California Senate Bill 649 limiting local control over the next generation of wireless technology and its implications for human and environmental health--and democracy.; Resources: EON EMF Blog; Ecological Options Network |
8/22/2017 | Connecting with Nature | Joseph Cornell, founder and president of Sharing Nature International, discusses his nature awareness learning process that focuses on growing awareness and love for the natural world through play.; Resources: Sharing Nature International |
8/15/2017 | Sunlight and Heart Disease | Stephanie Seneff, PhD, senior research scientist at MIT, discusses the new theory of heart function and disease that upends the cholesterol theory of heart disease.; Resources: Cholesterol Sulfate and the Heart by Stephanie Seneff, PhD; Dr. Seneff’s website |
8/8/2017 | Fear | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the biology behind the culture of fear in which we’re steeped and how to protect yourself.; Resources: Transcript with references of Fear by Jeffry Fawcett; Generative Journalism; Project Censored; Comment: Fear |
8/1/2017 | Learning from the Animals Around Us | Animal tracker Ginger Hadley shares what she’s learned from her twenty years of animal tracking and observation.; Resources: Mammal Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species by Mark Elbroch |
7/25/2017 | Statins: Statistical Deception | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the deceptive science that promotes statins and the cholesterol theory of cardiovascular disease, both dangers to health.; Resources: Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD; The Great Cholesterol Con by Malcolm Kendrick; The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics |
7/9/2017 | All You Need Is Love | Layna Berman discusses how and why to stay present even when things are impossible.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/4/2017 | Sun and Aging | Former chemist Marie Veronique is a skin specialist with a line of completely natural skin care products. She discusses the problems with conventional sun screens, including nano technology products, the need for some daily sun, and how to feed and repair skin.; Resources: Marie Véronique Organics |
6/27/2017 | Energy Blackmail | Small installations of renewable energy sources are contrasted with the current popularity of nuclear power as “clean” energy. Included is a report by Nuclear Engineer and anti nuclear activist Arnie Gundersen five years after the Fukishima Daichi disaster.; Resources: Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education; Nuking Climate Change by Jeffry Fawcett, PhD; Comment: Nuking Climate Change |
6/20/2017 | Informed Consent: Vaccines | Greg Glaser, JD, General Counsel for Physicians for Informed Consent, discusses the barriers that prevent patients from making informed decisions about vaccines and how physicians are organizing to overcome those barriers.; Resources: Physicians for Informed Consent |
6/13/2017 | Informed Consent: Vaccines | Greg Glaser, JD, General Counsel for Physicians for Informed Consent, discusses the barriers that prevent patients from making informed decisions about vaccines and how physicians are organizing to overcome those barriers.; Resources: Physicians for Informed Consent |
6/6/2017 | Getting Serious About Climate Change | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss what climate change is doing to our very near future and how to come together to make that future livable.; Resources: This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein; Learning to Die in the Anthropocene by Roy Scranton; The Collapse of Western Civilization by Naomi Oreskes and Eik M. Conway; Going Dark by Guy R. McPherson; Field Notes from a Catastrophe by Elizabeth Kolbert; Anthropocene or Capitalocene ed by Jason Moore; When Technology Fails by Matthew Stein |
5/30/2017 | Democracy School | Thomas Linzey, Executive Director of CELDF (Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund) discusses CELDF’s Democracy School where activists are trained to counter corporate rights locally by establishing community and environmental rights.; Resources: We the People: Stories from the Community Rights Movement in the United States by Thomas Linzey; We the People 2.0; Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund; National Community Rights Network |
5/16/2017 | Overpowered | Forty year electromagnetic field researcher Martin Blank PhD, discusses his book Overpowered, which outlines what science tells us about the health effects of wireless and offers guidelines for prudence while using devices.; Resources: Martin Blank; Comment: Stressed Out Rats |
5/9/2017 | Better Than Botox: Facial Exercises and Therapy | Researcher Marie-Véronique Nadeau, author of The Yoga Facelift, discusses natural skin care, including exercises that naturally lift the face, downsides of medical interventions, and nutritional support to maintain youthful skin. ; Resources: The Yoga Facelift by Marie-Véronique Nadeau; Comment: Pregnancy, Science, and Technology |
5/2/2017 | Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance | Jeffry Fawcett PhD unpacks research on the triggers for the development of chronic illness from exposures to environmental toxins. Layna Berman offers a historical perspective on environmental illness and discusses research that indicates that exposure to microwaves has a similar mechanism.; Resources: Extreme Chemical Sensitivity Makes Sufferers Allergic to Life |
4/25/2017 | Lyme: From Horror to Hope | Filmmaker Andy Abraham Wilson discusses his second film about the Lyme epidemic, Emergence, in which we are updated on patients, maligned Lyme treating doctors and researchers from Under Our Skin, his first film. Exposed is the financial ties the CDC and IDSA have that has interfered with progress and the progress that is being made despite all odds.; Resources: Under Our Skin: The Untold Story of Lyme Disease |
4/18/2017 | The Electronically Quiet House | EMF/RF remediation consultant Michael Neuert discusses how to protect yourself at home and work from electromagnetic fields that can create health problems.; Resources: and; Comment: Feeling Powerless and Being Powerless |
4/11/2017 | Healthy Lungs | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett PhD uncover what damages our lungs and what protects and repairs them. ; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/4/2017 | Preventing GMO Contamination | Activist Karen Hudson discusses how Sonoma County, California activists organized and won passage of Measure M, which bans genetically modified organisms from contaminating crops, animals, and the environment.; Resources: GMO Free Sonoma County; Center for Food Safety |
3/28/2017 | Local Food Movements | Carolyn Biggerstaff, Weston A. Price Houston Chapter, and Gary Granata, Slow Food New Orleans, discuss local food activism by chapters of national and international food movement organizations.; Resources: Weston A. Price, Houston; Real Food Houston; Weston A. Price Foundation; Slow Food New Orleans; Slow Food USA; Slow Food (international) |
3/21/2017 | Medical Myths | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss six medical myths.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Doctoring Data by Malcom Kendrick; ; Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries; What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee, MD and David Zava, PhD and Hormone Balance for Men by John Lee; Should I Be Tested For Cancer? by H. Gilbert Welch |
3/14/2017 | Technology and Health | Katie Singer, author of An Electronic Silent Spring, talks about the science of the ecological effects of electromagnetic radiation and then Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD go on to discuss the political economy of the wireless revolution. ; Resources: An Electronic Silent Spring by Katie Singer; Overpowered by Martin Blank; EMF Safety Network |
2/21/2017 | Nourishing Broth | Sally Fallon Morell, president and founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation, discusses the preparation of nutrient-dense broth and its benefits for health and medical conditions.; Resources: Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashoined Remedy for the Modern World by Sally Fallon Morell; Weston A. Price Foundation |
2/14/2017 | Doing the Simplest Things First | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss simple self care techniques for identifying and caring for developing illness.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/7/2017 | Women and Heart Disease | Health educator Layna Berman explains the mechanisms behind heart symptoms in women and offers nonpharmaceutical suggestions for both genders on how to protect their hearts.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Intervention Bias |
1/31/2017 | Inventing a Future | Shaun Chamberlin, Managing Director of the Fleming Policy Centre in the United Kingdom, cofounder of Transition Town Kingston, author of The Transition Timeline, and editor of David Fleming’s Lean Logic and Surviving the Future, discusses the transition movement and Fleming’s effect on it. ; Resources: The Transition Timeline: For a Local, Resilient Future by Shaun Chamberlin; Dark Optimism; Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It and Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy by David Fleming; Fleming Policy Centre |
1/24/2017 | Zika Virus and Birth Defects | Researcher Yaneer Bar-Yam, PhD, director of the New England Complex Systems Institute, discusses why the CDC is likely wrong in saying that Zika virus causes birth defects while journalist Marco Caceres, managing editor of The Vaccine Reaction, discusses how and why the misbegotten consensus on Zika championed by CDC came about.; Resources: Is Zika the Cause of Microcephaly? by Yaneer Bar-Yam, Raphael Parens, Alfredo J. Morales; New England Complex Systems Institute; Is CDC’s Rasmussen Paper on Zika and Microcephaly: Poor Case for ‘Smoking Gun’ by Marco Caceres; The Vaccine Reaction |
1/17/2017 | A New Food Ecology | Farmer and food ecologist Charles Williams discusses the emerging practices in ecological agriculture and animal husbandry.; Resources: Earth Activist Training |
1/10/2017 | Trouble at CDC | Investigative journalist James Grundvig, author of Master Manipulator, discusses financial and scientific fraud as well as regulatory capture at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.; Resources: James Grundvig; Master Manipulator by James Grundvig |
1/3/2017 | Right Weight | Layna Berman discusses how to achieve and maintain a healthy body composition.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/27/2016 | Community and Ecosystem Rights | Thomas Linzey, Executive Director of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund and author of We the People: Stories from the Community Rights Movement in the United States, discusses how people are able to protect and preserve the places they call home - especially when governments fail to do so.; Resources: We the People: Stories from the Community Rights Movement in the United States by Thomas Linzey; Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund |
12/20/2016 | Getting Out | Demetra Markis and her 13-year old daughter Lily discuss how they created a sustainable life.; Resources: Demetra Markis |
12/6/2016 | Climate Change: A Different Story | Patrick Reinsborough co founder of Center For Story Based Strategy and co author of the book Re:Imagining Change discusses how to use the tools of story-based strategy to change assumptions about climate change in order to put action in the hands of citizens.; Resources: Re:Imagining Change by Patrick Reinsborough and Doyle Canning; Center for Story-based Strategy |
11/22/2016 | The Food Movement is Unstoppable | Jonathan Latham, PhD, Executive Director of the Bioscience Resource Project and Editor of the Independent Science News, discusses his article “Why the Food Movement is Unstoppable.”; Resources: Why the Food Movement is Unstoppable by Jonathan Latham; Independent Science News; Bioscience Resource Project |
11/8/2016 | Dietary Fats | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD demystify the components and actions of dietary fats in the body.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon; Know Your Fats by Mary Enig; The Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD |
11/1/2016 | Vaxxed | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the film Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, which is about the coverup by the CD of its own science showing a link between vaccination of children and the risk of autism.; Resources: Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe; Vaxxed the Movement |
10/18/2016 | Green Med versus Vaccines | Sayer Ji, researcher, author, lecturer, and founder of, discusses why vaccine theory isn’t consistent with how humans develop immunity against disease. He will also discuss some new research on harm caused by vaccination.; Resources: GreenMedInfo; |
10/4/2016 | The Stories We Tell Ourselves | Social Psychologist Timothy Wilson, author of Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change, discusses how changing people’s narratives changes their behavior. Quickly.; Resources: Timothy D. Wilson’s website; Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change by Timothy D. Wilson; Comment: Standing in Line |
9/27/2016 | Baby From Beginning to End | Author Sally Fallon Morell from the Weston A. Price Foundation discusses her book The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care, co-authored with physician Dr. Thomas S. Cowan. ; Resources: Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell and Thomas Cowen; Weston A. Price Foundation ; Comment: The Dark Side of the Wind |
9/20/2016 | Heart Disease: What’s the Real Cause? | Malcolm Kendrick, MD, author of The Great Cholesterol Con, discusses what’s wrong with conventional medicine’s approach to heart disease, what really causes it, and how to avoid it.; Resources: The Great Cholesterol Con by Malcolm Kendrick; Dr. Kendricks website; The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics; Comment: Personal Environments |
9/13/2016 | Health and Privacy Violations: Smart Grid | Filmmaker Josh del Sol discusses his film Take Back Your Power about the overwhelming health, privacy and civil rights violations of the smart meter program.; Resources: Take Back Your Power; Comment: Use a Mobile Device, Fall Over and Vomit |
9/6/2016 | Game Changer: NTP Cellphone Study | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss early release of results from the National Toxicology Program that show cancer risks from cellphone exposures and why the study is a game changer in the controversy over cellphone health risks.; Resources: Microwave News |
8/30/2016 | Hypertension Revisited | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the causes of hypertension and its non-pharmaceutical treatment.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Save the Turtles! |
8/23/2016 | What You Know | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett discuss the politics of and a practical guide to what’s sanctioned as health knowledge and what’s actively ignored. ; Resources: Transcript with references of What You Know About Health by Jeffry Fawcett; Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/16/2016 | Thyroid Unabridged | David Zava PhD, biochemist, founder/director of ZRT Labs explains the intricate role of nutrients and hormones on optimal functioning of the thyroid gland.; Resources: ZRT Laboratory |
8/2/2016 | Take Back Your Power | Filmmaker Josh del Sol discusses his film Take Back Your Power about the overwhelming health, privacy and civil rights violations of the smart meter program.; Resources: Take Back Your Power |
7/19/2016 | When Are You Dead? | Science writer Dick Teresi, author of The Undead, explores practical, ethical, and emotional issues surrounding death, including the designation of brain dead, organ transplants, and persistent vegetative states and comas.; Resources: The Undead: Organ Harvesting, the Ice-Water Test, Beating Heart Cadavers—How Medicine Is Blurring the Line Between Life and Death by Dick Teresi; Comment: A Test for Insanity |
6/28/2016 | Hormone Intersect | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the inter-relationship between sex hormones, thyroid, and stress hormones.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: The New Biology |
6/21/2016 | The Hostage Brain | Neuroscientist Bruce McEwen, PhD, author of The End of Stress as We Know It discusses why the brain is the central organ of stress and adaptation and what happens to it under stress (good, tolerable, and toxic) and how early life adversity has lifelong effects on brain and body.; Resources: The Hostage Brain by Bruce McEwen; Comment: The Cancer Agenda |
6/7/2016 | Green, Family, Home Funerals and Burial | Jerrigrace Lyons, Executive Director, Final Passages Institute of Conscious Dying, demystifies home funerals and green burials.; Resources: Final Passages Institute of Conscious Dying; POV film A Family Undertaking; Comment: Antidepressants Kill Bacteria |
5/31/2016 | Inherited Illness | Researcher Michael Skinner, PhD, principal investigator at Washington State University’s Center for Reproductive Biology, and toxicologist Steven Gilbert, PhD, Director and Founder of the Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders and creator of website, discuss how environmental exposures cause the inheritance of increased risk of illness through epigenetic adaptation.; Resources: Michael Skinner PhD; Steven Gilbert, PhD and Toxipedia |
5/24/2016 | A Critical, Independent Voice | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss how they approach health issues by reviewing some of their critical analyses of cancer and the cancer establishment, pain medications and alternatives, the microbiome and GMO technology, and the toxic effects of what’s in our food. This is a pledge drive show.; Resources: Cancer Isn’t a Medical Problem, Aldehyde Politics, Transpoosion and GMOs, and Ibuprofen Kills |
4/26/2016 | Foul Fragrance | Researcher Anne C. Steinemann, PhD, from the University of Washington, discusses the stew of hazardous materials in products scented by artificial fragrance.; Resources: Anne C. Steinemann, PhD; Environmental Working Group Campaign for Safe Cosmetics; Comment: Chemical Intolerance |
4/19/2016 | Noise Pollution and Health | Retired research physician and anti-noise activist Dr. Louis Hagler discusses his groundbreaking article about the health effects of noise pollution.; Resources: Noise Pollution: A Modern Plague by Lisa Goines, RN and Louis Hagler, MD; Noise Off; Noise Pollution Clearinghouse; Noise Free America; League for the Hard of Hearing; Comment: The War on Vitamins |
4/12/2016 | Infectious Behavior | Developmental neurobiologist Paul Patterson discusses his book Infectious Behavior, an examination of the connection between the brain and the immune system and their effect on mental disorders and depression.; Resources: Infectious Behavior website; Infectious Behavior: Brain-Immune Connections in Autism, Schizophrenia, and Depression by Paul H. Patterson; Comment: Inside, Outside |
4/5/2016 | False Solutions to Climate Change | Writer and educator Jeff Conant, from The Global Justice Ecology Project, discusses three money driven, false solutions to climate change that threaten indigenous homelands, forests, and the health of the world's people, land, oceans, and air.; Resources: Global Justice Ecology Project and Climate Connections; Comment: Health Science is Common Property |
3/22/2016 | Nuclear Consequences: The Long View | Janette Sherman, M.D., translator and editor of the book "Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment," published by the New York Academy of Sciences and Ernest Sternglass, PhD, physicist and anti-nuclear activist since the 1950s, review the history and consequences of nuclear testing and nuclear power plants, in light of the Japanese disaster.; Resources: Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment; Janette Sherman’s website; UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering Monitoring System; Radiation and Public Health Project |
3/8/2016 | Women’s Rights and a Healthy Planet | Robert Engelman, author of More: Population, Nature, and What Women Want, discusses how support for women’s reproductive rights is the best strategy for achieving a sustainable population.; Resources: More: Population, Nature, and What Women Want by Robert Engelman; World Watch Institute; Health and the Rise of Civilization by Mark Nathan Cohen; Comment: A Healthy Natural Environment |
3/1/2016 | Treatment Alternatives | Janet Zand, ND, OMD, LAc, co-author of Smart Medicine for Healthier Living as well as Smart Medicine for Healthy Children discusses alternative treatment therapies for a wide variety of conditions both acute and chronic, including herbal, homeopathic and nutrient.; Resources: Smart Medicine for Healthier Living by Janet Zand, Allan Spreen, and James LaValle, and Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child by Janet Zand, Rachel Walton, and Bob Rountree; Comment: Care for Chronic Fatigue |
2/9/2016 | Hysterectomy and Ovary Removal: Protecting Your Reproductive Organs | An interview with Elizabeth Plourde, PhD, author of two books about the health consequences of hysterectomy and ovary removal, discussing how to make protective choices and what to do to recover.; Resources: Your Guide to Hysterectomy, Ovary Removal, & Hormone Replacement and Hysterectomy? The Best or Worst Thing that Ever Happened to Me? by Elizabeth Plourde; New Voice for Health |
2/2/2016 | Critiquing the Anthropocene Theory | Jeffry Fawcett PhD and Layna Berman review the Anthropocene Theory, its media impact, critics, and political implications.; Resources: Advocating the concept: The Anthropocene biosphere; Critiquing the concept: The geology of mankind? A critique of the Anthropocene narrative |
1/26/2016 | An Electronic Silent Spring | Author Katie Singer talks about her book An Electronic Silent Spring. Layna and Jeffry then discuss some testimonials from her book, which is a forum of scientists, parents, and electrosensitives about the health consequences for humans, trees, birds and other mammals of the proliferating wireless revolution.; Resources: An Electronic Silent Spring by Katie Singer |
1/19/2016 | Overdiagnosis of Breast Cancer | Jeffry Fawcett PhD and Layna Berman review the American Cancer Society’s new guidelines for mammograms and critique them using several review articles and editorials pointing to increased mortality from overdiagnosis and overtreatment of breast cancer.; Resources: Screening for Breast Cancer with Mammography |
1/12/2016 | Diabetes: Changing the Narrative | Jeffry Fawcett, PhD reviews and critiques recent research identifying the hormone glucagon rather than insulin, as the hormone responsible for high blood sugars. A discussion follows with Layna Berman about the lack of consideration of environmental factors and stress in the development of metabolic disruption and non pharmaceutical ways of treating instead of developing drugs to disrupt the balance between glucagon and other hormones.; Resources: Turning diabetes upside down |
1/5/2016 | Health and the Rise of Civilization | Mark Nathan Cohen, PhD professor of anthropology and author of Health and the Rise of Civilization discusses how humans developed as hunter-gatherers and what was lost when they turned to agriculture.; Resources: Health and the Rise of Civilization by Mark Nathan Cohen; Comment: Economics and Finance |
12/29/2015 | Dependencies: Solutions | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the attachments that create health risks from food to drugs, how to start the change process, and how to support the body in making changes.; Resources: The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction by Stephanie Marohn, End Your Addiction Now by Charles Gant,, and Changing for Good by James Prochaska; Comment: Toxic Culture |
12/22/2015 | Empathy Biology | Primatologist Frans de Waal, PhD, author of The Age of Empathy and Primates and Philosophers, discusses what we have to learn about empathy and cooperation from other animals and how humans can develop their own innate capacities to work together.; Resources: Living Links Frans de Waal’s lab at Emory University; The Age of Empathy and Primates and Philosopers by Frans de Waal; Comment: Selling Health |
11/24/2015 | Holiday Hormone Health | Health educator Layna Berman discusses maintenance of healthy hormone balance under the stress of holidays and winter.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Depressed Children |
11/3/2015 | Resuscitation Medicine and After Death Experiences | Sam Parnia, MD, PhD discusses the scientific study of death and after death experiences. He is director of resuscitation research at Stony Brook University.; Resources: Erasing Death: The Science That Is Rewriting the Boundaries Between Life and Death by Sam Parnia; Comment: Who Will Save You |
10/27/2015 | Menopause | Health educator Layna Berman describes a different view of menopause: not as a diagnosis, but as hormone balance and an opportunity for healthy balance.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee |
10/20/2015 | Empathic Therapy | Psychiatrist Dr. Peter R. Breggin discusses the successful use of empathic therapy instead of psychiatric medications in treating people with symptoms as severe as psychosis.; Resources: Peter Breggin’s website; Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy, Education and Living; Guilt, Shame, and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions by Peter Breggin |
10/13/2015 | The Millennial Revolution | Tim Kelly is a public school teacher in inner city schools and a lawyer. He discusses his strategies for saving the planet by teaching ecology and a love of nature to the underserved and protecting them from the industrial prison complex. ; Resources: Fort Ross Conservancy |
10/6/2015 | Clouds Go In, Clouds Go Out | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD contrast practices that emphasize the cultivation of happiness with practices that put experiences and feelings to work in improving our physical and social environment.; Resources: Re:Imagining Change |
9/15/2015 | Cure Alzheimer's With a Ketogenic Diet | Bruce Fife, ND discusses the research supporting the use of a ketogenic diet to prevent and cure Alzheimer's disease as well as other neurodegenerative disorders.; Resources: Stop Alzheimer's Now!: How to Prevent & Reverse Dementia, Parkinson's, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis & Other Neurodegenerative Disorders by Bruce Fife; Comment: The Diabetes Gene |
9/8/2015 | Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal | Psychiatrist, educator and author Dr. Peter Breggin has been an expert witness in court cases against the pharmaceutical companies for decades and has written many books exposing the dangers of Psychiatric medications. In his new book he explains why and how patients should be withdrawn from their use.; Resources: Peter Breggin’s website; Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy, Education and Living ; Comment: Charity and Agency |
9/1/2015 | Gaia | Stephen Harrod Buhner, senior researcher for the Foundation for Gaian Studies discusses his book Plant Intelligence, which explores the Gaia principle.; Resources: Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Beyond the Doors of Perception Into the Dreaming of Earth by Stephen Harrod Buhner; The Foundation for Gaian Studies |
8/11/2015 | Designing Out Endocrine Disruption | Green Chemist Terry Collins PhD is the Teresa Heinz Professor of Green Chemistry and Director of the Institute for Green Science Department of Chemistry at Carnegie Mellon University. He will be discussing a new protocol for testing chemicals to prevent the release of more hazardous endocrine disrupting materials.; Resources: Institute for Green Science; Comment: Risky Business |
7/28/2015 | Mandatory Vaccine Update | Jeffry Fawcett PhD and Layna Berman look at the laws that have mandated all school-aged children get vaccines. Includes examination of the extensive research and commentary against vaccination.; Resources: Wise Traditions summer 2015 issue; NVIC Advocacy to take action; National Vaccine Information Center |
7/7/2015 | Bioinitiative Working Group Update | Cindy Sage, co-editor of the ongoing Bioinitiative Report, discusses the alarming new research on EMF and wireless radiation exposure and how that information has been suppressed.; Resources: Bioinitiative Report; Comment: Green Doesn’t Mean Nontoxic |
6/23/2015 | Dangerous Passivity | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett PhD discuss the importance of individual assertive control over health crises. Included is the importance of the immune system and how it gets challenged.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Linus Pauling Institute; GreenMedInfo; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service |
6/16/2015 | How Life Changes Itself | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett talk about the work of James Shapiro, PhD, University of Chicago researcher in microbial genetics, about the science of how organisms adapt their own genome and the genome of other organisms in response to environmental change, the genetic science the describes the process, and how current biotechnology makes a mess of it.; Resources: James Shapiro, PhD; Evolution: A View from the 21st Century by James Shapiro; The Institute for Responsible Technology; Institute of Science in Sociaty |
6/9/2015 | The Untold Story of Lyme Disease | Director Andy Abrahams Wilson from Open Eye Pictures discusses his new film Under Our Skin with Dana Walsh who was included in the film and has gone on to work educating people.; Resources: Andy Abrahams Wilson website Under Our Skin: The Untold Story of Lyme Disease; Dana Walsh website Lyme Less Live More; Comment: Monsanto’s Scientific Community |
6/2/2015 | Wireless Revolution: Research/Policy Implications | Joel M. Moskowitz PhD, Director and Principal Investigator at the Center for Family and Community Health at UC Berkeley's School of Public Health; Resources: Electromagnetic Radiation Safety; Comment: Green Doesn’t Mean Nontoxic |
5/26/2015 | Life Everlasting | Biologist and author Bernd Heinrich describes the intricate relationship between all living things and the way that all creatures contribute to the creation of new life.; Resources: Life Everlasting: The Animal Way of Death by Bernd Heinrich; Comment: The Society of Organisms |
5/19/2015 | A Story of Risk: Wireless Tech | Author, educator, and storyteller Katie Singer explores the advancement of wireless technology by telling the story of a physicist and electrical engineer who has been betrayed by the very technologies he devoted his life to.; Resources: An Electronic Silent Spring by Katie Singer |
4/21/2015 | Replacing Your Microbiome | University educator and author Liz Lipski PhD discusses how to replace the resident microbes that protect our health as modern drug therapies threaten to wipe them out.; Resources: Elizabeth Lipski’s website and the book Digestion Connection by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD; Comment: Are Crazy People Dangerous? |
4/6/2015 | The Politics of Cancer Revisited | Dr. Samuel Epstein, author of The Politics of Cancer, The Politics of Cancer Revisited, and Cancer-Gate and director of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, discusses the cancer establishment and its failure to address cancer prevention, its misdirection of research and treatment resources, and its promotion of a multi-billion dollar industry.; Resources: Cancer-Gate and The Politics of Cancer Revisited by Samuel Epstein and the Cancer Prevention Coalition |
3/10/2015 | False Positive: Marin Breast Cancer Cluster | An interview with investigative journalist Peter Byrne about the media’s promotion of a breast cancer cluster in Marin County and who’s served by this propaganda.; Resources: Peter Byrne |
2/24/2015 | Clean Sheets: Creating a Fresh Start | Health educator Layna Berman lectures on the unique opportunities for change and new growth that present themselves during periods of transition and loss.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Synthetic Biology |
2/17/2015 | Measles Vaccine or Else! | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the politics of of measles, vaccination, and informed consent, including interviews with Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccination Information Center and birth educator Kelly Gray; Resources: NVIC Advocacy to take action; National Vaccine Information Center |
2/3/2015 | The Vegetarian Myth | Environmental activist Lierre Keith, 20-year vegan and author of The Vegetarian Myth discusses the many ways in which people have been led astray by ideas about vegetarianism as Lierre discovered through her own experience and research.; Resources: The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith; Comment: Preserving the Cholesterol Myth |
1/27/2015 | The Dark Side of Soy | Nutritionist Kaayla Daniel, PhD, CCN discusses her book The Whole Soy Story which exposes the potential health damaging effects of soy foods and supplements.; Resources: The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food by Kaayla Daniel; Weston A. Price Foundation Soy Alert!; and Soy Free Solutions; Comment: Biology |
1/20/2015 | Where Do We Go From Here? | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss technologies that are being promoted that are harming the planet, including new science on the harm from GM foods and glyphosate pesticides. Also discussed is how to cut back on energy use by living simply.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/13/2015 | Inappropriate Thoughts | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the benefits of illuminating the roots of troubling thoughts and how dark thoughts relate to social events.; Resources: Are Crazy People Dangerous?; Comment: Are Crazy People Dangerous? |
1/6/2015 | A Dog′s Life | Psychologist Stanley Coren, PhD, author of How Dogs Think and How to Speak Dog>, discuss how to communicate intelligently and compassionately with your dog.; Resources: Stanley Coren′s website; Comment: Social Justice and Environmental Health |
12/30/2014 | Free to Learn | Psychologist and author Peter Grey discusses his new book Free to Learn, about the educational movement of UnSchooling and Free Play.; Resources: Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life by Peter Gray; Peter Grey’s Psychology Today blog Freedom to Learn; Comment: Better than Nothing? |
12/23/2014 | Aromatic, Bitter, and Tonic Plants | Herbalist and author Guido Masé discusses the healing uses of, preparation of, and cultivation of aromatic, bitter, and tonic plants.; Resources: The Wild Medicine Solution: Healing with Aromatic, Bitter, and Tonic Plants by Guido Masé; Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism |
11/11/2014 | Observing Nature One Detail at a Time | Biology Professor and author David Haskell discusses his book The Forest Unseen, filled with essays about the complexity and interactions between all the life in one square meter of an old-growth forest.; Resources: David Haskell’s blog Ramble; The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature by David George Haskell; Comment: Technological Immersion |
11/4/2014 | Silence | Journalist George Prochnik, author of In Pursuit of Silence: Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise, discusses noise and silence, how they affect us, why we seek them, and the virtues of silence.; Resources: George Prochnik’s website for In Pursuit of Silence; Comment: Learning What’s Fair |
10/28/2014 | The Global Garden | Botanist and self-described renegade scientist Diana Beresford-Kroeger, author of The Global Forest, discusses how forests affect health: individual, collective, ecological, global.; Resources: Archangel Ancient Tree Archive website; The Global Forest by Diana Beresford-Kroeger; Comment: Emergent Properties of the Brain |
9/23/2014 | Thyroid Health, Breast Cancer Prevention | Biochemist and founder and director of ZRT Lab David Zava PhD discusses the interactions between hormone metabolites, minerals, metals, and pollution in the development of breast cancer and thyroid disease and what lifestyle and supplement changes are protective.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee, MD and David Zava, PhD; ZRT Laboratory; Comment: The Ebola Scare |
9/16/2014 | Therapeutics of Essential Oils | Chemist and aromatherapy educator Kurt Schnaubelt, PhD author of The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils, explains the complex mechanisms for plant oils to interact with human biology to protect our health.; Resources: Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy; Comment: Vaccines as Pharmaceuticals |
8/26/2014 | Training to be a Senior | Layna Berman discusses the specific effect on our mitochondria of exercise as we age and the overall protection of an active life.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Aldehyde Politics |
8/19/2014 | Medicinal Honey | Medical writer Nathaniel Altman reveals the specific medicinal properties of certain strains of honey. Used for centuries for wound healing and as an antibacterial agent. Discussion includes newer research on the mechanisms behind its effects and suggestions for which strains to use and how to use them.; Resources: Nathaniel Altman’s honey page ; The Honey Prescription: The Amazing Power of Honey as Medicine by Nathaniel Altman; Comment: Monsanto’s Scientific Community |
7/29/2014 | Heart, Brain, Cancer and Hormones | Biologist Raymond Peat PhD discusses a different way to look at the imbalances that result in heart disease and cancer, examining stress, hormones, and nutrients.; Resources: Raymond Peat’s website; Comment: Compliant Patients |
7/15/2014 | Statins, NOT | Dr. Ernest N. Curtis, MD author of The Cholesterol Delusion, talks about what the studies supporting statin use actually show.; Resources: The Cholesterol Delusion by Earnest N. Curtis; Comment: The Statin Story |
7/8/2014 | Flawed Vitamin Research | Balz Frei PhD from the Linus Pauling Institute exposes the flaws in research design on vitamin supplements.; Resources: Linus Pauling Institute and its Micronutrient Information Center; Comment: Stressed Out Rats |
7/1/2014 | Nuclear Radiation Risks Here and Abroad | Mary Beth Brangan and Jim Heddle from Ecological Options Network report on the news from Fukishima as well as the ongoing dangers from the U.S policies on waste disposal and power plant stability here.; Resources: Planetarian Perspectives and Ecological Options Network and Shutdown: The California Fukushima Connection; Comment: Dioxin in Your Cake |
6/24/2014 | Cleaner Electricity | Electrician and electronics diagnostician Dave Stetzer from Stetzer Consulting discusses how to maintain a healthy electrical home.; Resources: Stetzer Consulting; Comment: Dioxin in Your Cake |
6/10/2014 | Microbiome: The Ecology of Who We Are | Martin Blaser, MD discusses how the use of antibiotics has disrupted the balance micro-organism essential for our health.; Resources: Missing Microbes; Comment: Peak Soil |
6/3/2014 | Health Co-ops | Two guests discuss the health care cooperative movement. Vanessa Hammond from Victoria Community Health Cooperative in Canada and Tony McCormick from Patient/Physician Cooperatives in Portland Oregon.; Resources: Health Care Co-operatives Federation of Canada; Patient Physician Cooperatives; Comment: How to Prevent Heart Attacks |
4/15/2014 | Ending Incarceration of Girls Through Health Screening | Leslie Acoca MA, MFT, Executive Director and Founder of the National Girls Health and Justice Institute proposes an end to the epidemic of incarcerated women and girls through mandatory health screenings.; Resources: National Girls Health and Justice Institute; Comment: Compliant Patients |
4/8/2014 | Epigenetics and Evolution | Michael Skinner PhD, founder and director of the Washington State University and University of Idaho Center for Reproductive Biology joins the program to discuss findings that show damage from environmental toxins are passed on to future progeny through epigenetics.; Resources: Michael Skinner PhD; Comment: Radiation Experiments |
3/25/2014 | Healing Lyme and Coinfections | Herbalist Stephen Harrod Buhner discusses his two books written both for patients and doctors, explaining the etiology and treatment of Lyme and coninfections using both conventional and plant medicine.; Resources: Healing Lyme and Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections by Stephen Harrod Buhner; Foundation for Gaian Studies; Comment: Transpoosion and GMOs |
3/4/2014 | Nutritional Advice From the Stone Age | Paleolithic author and lecturer Ray Audette discusses how he reversed his own serious diagnoses by following the principals of ancient diets.; Resources: Ray Audette’s Neanderthin website; Comment: The Game Boy President |
2/25/2014 | Testosterone | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the health-preserving use of testosterone therapy in both genders and reviews the research on its role in prostate cancer protection.; Resources: Hormone Balance for Men by John Lee, The Testosterone Revolution by Malcolm Carruthers, Maximize Your Vitality and Potency by Jonathan Wright, The Testosterone Syndrome by Eugene Shippen, and Testosterone for Life by Abraham Morgentaler; Comment: Prostate Theology |
2/18/2014 | The Digestive Connection | Elizabeth Lipski PhD, nutritionist and author of several books on digestive health discusses her newest book highlighting the importance of the gut as a root cause for health and illness.; Resources: Elizabeth Lipski’s website and the book Digestion Connection by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD; Comment: Nutrition as Science and Ideology |
1/28/2014 | Vitamin D and Immunity | Adrian F. Gombart PhD from the Linus Pauling Institute describes his research into the immune protective effects of vitamin D.; Resources: Linus Pauling Institute and Adrian Gombart’s publications; Comment: Technophilia and GMO Agriculture |
1/14/2014 | Is That a Tumor or Are You Glad to See Me? | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage, editor of both the Bioinitiative Report of 2007 and the new updated Bioinitiative Report of 2013 unpacks the results of over 1800 new studies showing harm to health from wireless technologies. Special attention is paid to the risks for children and developing fetus.; Resources: Bioinitiative Report; Comment: Use a Mobile Device, Fall Over and Vomit |
12/24/2013 | Suffer Psychiatric Symptoms, Get Kicked Around | Pediatrician Mark Vonnegut M.D. discusses his newest book Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So: A Memoir, in which he describes (from personal experience) what’s missing in our treatment of people who have psychiatric symptoms and how other countries do it better. He also discusses the role of art and community in healing.; Resources: Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So: A Memoir by Mark Vonnegut, MD; Comment: Progress |
12/17/2013 | Obamination Care | Margaret Flowers, MD from Physicians for a National Health Program, explains why the Affordable Care Act won't accomplish the goal of providing health care to all.; Resources: Physicians for a National Health Program; Popular Resistance; It’s Our Economy; Comment: Cancer Isn’t a Medical Problem |
11/12/2013 | Fukushima on Our Shore | Award-winning filmmakers Mary Beth Brangan and Jim Heddle from the Ecological Options Network have been covering the Fukushima crisis from the beginning. They discuss the latest news, the politics, and how citizens can protect themselves and work to improve our future.; Resources: Planetarian Perspectives and Ecological Options Network; Comment: A Test for Insanity |
11/5/2013 | Hormone Replacement: How, Who, and When | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the safe use of bio-identical hormones in both genders, including a discussion of research, testing, ratios, and delivery systems.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: User Hostile |
10/29/2013 | Farm Bill/Anti Farmer | Judith McGeary, attorney, small farmer, and the executive director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance discusses the FDA’s flawed food safety regulations contained in the new Farm Bill, which is due to be voted on this November.; Resources: Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance; Comment: User Hostile |
10/22/2013 | Vitamin Supplementation, Part 1 | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD counter the conventional media reports on the use of nutrient supplementation with a review of well designed research.; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service; Linus Pauling Institute ; Clinical Pearls ; Comment: Regulating Drugs and Vitamins |
10/8/2013 | American Meat | Independent film maker Graham Meriwether, director of Leave it Better film production company, tells the story of American meat production and how it can be changed to support the lives of farmers, customers, animals and the environment in his new film American Meat.; Resources: American Meat and Leave It Better; Comment: Health and Justice |
10/1/2013 | Take Back Your Power | Filmmaker Josh del Sol discusses his film Take Back Your Power about the overwhelming health, privacy and civil rights violations of the smart meter program.; Resources: Take Back Your Power |
9/17/2013 | Engagement as Healthcare | Layna Berman recommends a state of engagement, personally and globally, as an essential first step towards healing.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Charity and Agency |
9/10/2013 | Politics of the Wireless Revolution | B. Blake Levitt, science Journalist and author of books about the health effects of electromagnetic and radio frequency non ionizing radiation, discusses the implications of the likely Thomas Wheeler nomination as head of the FCC and impeding loss of our copper land line phone system.; Resources: Blake Levitt's website; EMR Policy Institute;; Comment: Avoidable Death |
8/20/2013 | Why You're Not Your Brain | Professor of philosophy, Dr. Alva Noë discusses how consciousness arises from our relationship with the world and not from our brains.; Resources: Alva Noë’s website; Out of Our Heads: Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness by Alva Noë; Comment: Pain Experiments |
8/6/2013 | Cell Phones and Breast Cancer | Surgeon and breast cancer specialist Dr. John West discusses recent cases of young women who developed breast cancers after carrying their cells phones in their bras.; Resources: Dr. West’s blog on the Be Aware Foundation website ; Comment: Poverty, Disease, and Biodiversity |
7/23/2013 | Pain Free Postural Roots | Acupuncturist and instructor of postural re integration, Esther Gokhale, discusses her book which teaches a return to the more balanced way of standing and moving of our ancestors.; Resources: Gokhale Method Institute; Comment: The Biology of EMF |
7/2/2013 | Why Austerity Kills | Sanjay Basu, MD, PhD discusses The Body Economic, written with David Stuckler, MPH, PhD. We learn that the health implications of austerity have long lasting and complex effects. Long term recovery for the economy, society and citizens, is linked.; Resources: The Body Economic; Comment: Whistleblowers in Health Science |
6/25/2013 | Antibodies as Predictors and a New Approach to Lyme Testing | Aristo Vojdani PhD, MSc, founder of Immunosciences Lab, Inc. has researched and written extensively on the intricacies of assay testing for chronic illness and cross reactivity in autoimmunity. He is also responsible for developing new and unique assays. He discusses antibodies as predictors of disease, the challenges in testing for Lyme, and a new Lyme testing protocol.; Resources: Articles by Dr. Vojdani; Cyrex Laboratory; Comment: It’s Not Like Diabetes... |
6/18/2013 | Obesity as a Symptom | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss how weight gain is not a disease but a symptom of deeper metabolic disruption, focusing on the role of obesogens.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; the blog post Obestiy as a Symptom; Comment: The Obesity Vaccine |
6/11/2013 | Health Considerations for the Digital Revolution | Medical and science journalist B. Blake Levitt has devoted more than twenty years to the topic of environmental effects from nonionizing wireless radiation. She will discusses the current state of the proliferation of wireless technologies and the science regarding its health consequences.; Resources: Blake Levitt's website; Comment: Save the Turtles! |
6/4/2013 | DSM, the Manual of Mental Disorders: Why You Should Care | Psychotherapist and author Gary Greenberg’s book The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry, is a scathing critique of the American Psychiatric Association’s bible of diagnoses.; Resources: Gary Greenberg’s Blog; Comment: Ibuprofen Kills |
5/28/2013 | Importing the Western Medicalization of Mental Health | Ethan Watters, freelance journalist and author of Crazy Like Us, describes the way that the Western psychiatric model has interfered globally with how other cultures heal themselves.; Resources: Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche by Ethan Watters; Comment: Secondhand Cellphones |
4/30/2013 | When It′s All Too Much | Health educator Layna Berman discusses health and heart strategies for surviving dark times.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Nano-silver Poisoning |
4/16/2013 | Pharmaceutical Cautions | Health educator Layna Berman discusses commonly used pharmaceuticals, their effects and dangers including nutrient depletion and suppression of important physiologic pathways. Included will be non-pharmaceutical approaches to depression, insomnia, acne, reflux, and hypertension.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: What Makes the Poison |
4/9/2013 | Present Shock | Author, teacher, and documentarian Douglas Rushkoff, PhD discusses his new book Present Shock about how the digital revolution is changing us and how to stay healthy and human in its grasp.; Resources: Douglas Rushkoff’s website; Comment: Unnatural Selection |
4/2/2013 | Food Fight | Wenonah Hauter is the executive director of Food and Water Watch and also runs an organic family farm in Northern Virginia. Her new book Foodopoly: The Battle Over the Future of Food and Farming in America is today’s topic. ; Resources: Food and Water Watch; Foodopoly: The Battle Over the Future of Food and Farming in America by Wenonah Hauter; Comment: Unnatural Selection |
3/26/2013 | Internalizing Self Care | Health educator Layna Berman discusses what it takes for people to care for themselves. An exploration of how stress, dietary choices, nutrient density, and exercise can be navigated so that healthy choices come from within.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: More! |
3/19/2013 | Fluoridate NEVER | Dr. Paul Connett, retired professor of environmental chemistry and toxicology and director of the Fluoride Action Network, advocates for citizen resistance to the fluoridation of their county water systems to avoid severe and well-documented health consequences.; Resources: Fluoride Free Sonoma County; Fluoride Out; Fluoride Action Network; Comment: Addictive Food |
2/26/2013 | SHUT DOWN San Onofre! | Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle are Award-winning filmmakers. They co-direct EON, The Ecological Options Network, a non-profit media service for progressive organizations and campaigns. They join the program with two videos about the scandalous violations at the San Onofre nuclear power plant and citizen activism pushing for its shut down as well as all other nuclear power plants.; Resources: Ecological Options Network; Comment: Save the Planet at All Costs |
1/15/2013 | Stupid Heart Treatments | Health integrationists Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD critique conventions meant to protect the heart and vascular system from disease and failure, including a review of research that offers a different perspective, then go on to offer nutrient and hormonal recommendations.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; The Great Cholesterol Con by Malcolm Kendrick; Comment: Immunity and Income |
1/8/2013 | Health News to Watch For | Michael Green, executive director of the Center for Environmental Health, discusses campaigns against toxins such as flame retardants, lead, and hormone disrupting chemicals in products and the progress to date. ; Resources: Center for Environmental Health;; Comment: EMF in the Short- and Long-term |
1/1/2013 | Burn Fat at Rest | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss why the body prefers to use fat as a fuel, and how exercising teaches a body to burn fat even when resting.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Secondhand Cellphones |
12/25/2012 | Hormonal Consequences of Starch and Stress | Health educator Layna Berman updates her classic discussion about the hormonal effects of stress and of self-medication using comfort foods, and offers healthy alternatives.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Obvious Answers |
12/4/2012 | Healthy Vision Healthy Body | Meir Schneider, PhD, LMT cured himself from blindness suffered at birth. He discusses his unique whole-body approach to vision in his newest book Vision For Life.; Resources: The School for Self-Healing; Vision for Life by Meir Schneider; Comment: Fear and the Fiscal Cliff |
11/27/2012 | Green Economy From the Grassroots | Tony Coleman, founder and director of One Fam/Bikes 4 Life, has been a non-profit organizer and activist for seventeen years. His grassroots organization has created successful green jobs to encourage the financial independence of young people and to create viable alternatives to incarceration.; Resources: One Fam websitea href= target=_blank> < and Bike 4 Life website ; Comment: Fear and the Fiscal Cliff |
11/13/2012 | Our Animal Nature | Cardiologist Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, MD discusses her book Zoobiquity that looks to our animal inheritance for clues about how we learn, get sick, and behave.; Resources: Zoobiquity website /a>; Comment: Neolithic Health in a Capitalist Economy |
11/6/2012 | Insomnia Epidemic | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the increased incidence of insomnia, offering both reasons and resolutions.; Resources: Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health by Christopher Ketcham; Comment: The Biology of Adversity |
10/23/2012 | The Healing Science of Plant Aromas | Chemist and medical aromatherapy educator Kurt Schnaubelt, PhD, from the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, discusses the chemistry and science of healing with organic essential oils.; Resources: Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy; Comment: Dangerous Ways to Play with Energy Metabolism |
10/16/2012 | GMO, It's What's For Dinner! | Author, GMO expert and founder of The Institute for Responsible Technology, Jeffrey Smith discusses his new film Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives.; Resources: The Institute for Responsible Technology; Comment: Microbiome, Biodiversity, Synthetic Life |
10/9/2012 | Reforest the Planet, Now! | Author and journalist Jim Robbins, author of The Man Who Planted Trees, and David Milarch, the subject of the book, discuss the Champion Tree Project, which works to propagate and preserve the genetic heritage of the world's last old-growth forest giants.; Resources: Champion Tree Project website; x Champion Tree Project website; Comment: Chemical Intolerance |
9/11/2012 | Epilepsy: Stop Seizures with Diet | Filmmaker Jim Abrahams founded the Charlie Foundation after discovering a diet to control his son's epilepsy without harmful drugs or surgery.; Resources: The Charlie Foundation; Comment: Medicinal Flora |
9/4/2012 | The Case Against Fluoride | Paul Connett, PhD, professor, toxicology expert, and director of the Fluoride Action Network, discusses his newest book The Case Against Fluoride: How hazardous waste ended up in our drinking water and the bad science and powerful politics that keep it there.; Resources: Fluoride Action Network; Comment: Science and the Felt Life |
8/28/2012 | Smart Meter Lawsuit | Sandi Maurer,founder and director of the EMF Safety Network, reveals plans to sue the CPUC on behalf of ratepayers for its failure to protect citizens from health and privacy issues caused by wireless, electromagnetic smart meters.; Resources: EMF Safety Network ; Comment: The Obesity Vaccine |
8/21/2012 | Call of the Wild | Dr. Bernie Krause has devoted himself to music and recording the sounds of nature. His book is The Great Animal Orchestra.; Resources: Wild Sanctuary website; The Great Animal Orchestra: Finding the Origins of Music in the World's Wild Places by Bernie Krause; Comment: Eggs Are Bad for You—Again |
8/7/2012 | Good Exposures | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD ask, “How do we create environments that sustain health?” We eliminate stress, nurture each other, especially children, feed them well, build community, and live in harmony with the natural world.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: The Statin Story |
7/31/2012 | Iron Overload | Orthomolecular physician Richard Kunin, MD joins the program to discuss an often missed, critical diagnosis of iron overload. This condition is on the rise and can be the basis for many disorders connected to inflammation including diabetes, heart and kidney disease, cancer, psychiatric complications, and autism. Included will be a discussion of effective and non-invasive treatments.; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service; Comment: Who's Smoking? |
7/10/2012 | The Art of Fermentation | Fermentation experimentalist and author Sandor Ellix Katz discusses his newest and most comprehensive book on fermentation.; Resources: Wild Fermentation; Comment: The Ecological Fallacy |
7/3/2012 | Abomination Care | Physician Henry L. Abrons, president of the Caifornia chapter of the Physicians for a National Health Program joins the program with Jeffry Fawcett PhD to discuss the future of health care in the U.S. after the Supreme Court decision.; Resources: Physicians for a National Health Program , PNHP state chapters , and PNHP California chapter; Comment: What Experts Think |
6/26/2012 | Nutrients for Active Aging | Health educator Layna Berman reviews which nutrients support and protect our aging skin, eyes, brain, bones, gut, muscles, heart, and circulation. ; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Comment: Genetically Modified Facts |
6/12/2012 | Free Play and Unschooling | Psychologist Peter Grey, PhD has conducted and published research in comparative, evolutionary, developmental, and educational psychology. He discusses the importance of free play in the emotional life of children and the trend towards unschooling where children get to control their own learning.; Resources: Freedom to Learn; Comment: More Type 1 Diabetes |
5/22/2012 | Evidence of Harm | Filmmakers Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle from Ecological Options Network discuss what they've learned documenting the SmartMeter opt-out proceedings, the wireless summit in Washington DC, and a strategy summit designed to push environmental organizations to commit to resistance against nuclear energy.; Resources: Ecological Options Network; Comment: Knowing What's Good for You |
4/17/2012 | Insisting on Safe Personal Products | Stacy Malkan, cofounder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, and author of Not Just a Pretty Face, and Allison Cook, from the Story of Stuff Project discuss political and grassroots efforts to get toxins out of personal products.; Resources: Campaign for Safe Cosmetics; Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry by Stacy Malkan; The Story of Cosmetics; Comment: Lead Poisoning Large and Small |
4/10/2012 | What Our Words Say About Us | Social psychologist James Pennebaker, PhD, author of The Secret Life of Pronouns, reveals how the words people use serve as powerful reflections of their personality and social worlds.; Resources: The Secret Life of Pronous website; The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say about Us by James Pennebaker; Comment: From DNA to Politics |
3/27/2012 | Laughter | Robert R. Provine, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Assistant Director of the Neuroscience Program at the University of Maryland discusses his scientific investigation of laughter. ; Resources: Laughter: A Scientific Investigation by Robert R. Provine; Comment: The Story of Suffering and Health |
3/13/2012 | Fukushima: More Lies and Cover-ups | Professor Akira Murakami from Japan’s Akita University will talk about the ongoing health effects and the government lies and media cover-up from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. We are joined by Marybeth Brangan of Ecological Options Network.; Resources: Ecological Options Network ; Comment: Herd Immunity |
2/21/2012 | Living Lightly Together | Sociologist Jennifer Fosket, PhD discusses from her book Living Green and the various communities that she and her co-author studied as examples of people living together using non-toxic, sustainable practices, and building techniques.; Resources: Social Green; Comment: The Soup We’re In |
2/14/2012 | Total Sex | Nina Hartley, sexual entertainer, activist, educator, and registered nurse, discusses her book Nina Hartley’s Guide to Total Sex. Who knows better?; Resources: Nina Hartley’s Guide to Total Sex by Nina Hartley; Comment: Immunity and Income |
2/7/2012 | Angry Moms and School Lunch | Amy Kalafa, Mom, author of Lunch Wars, activist, and filmmaker of Two Angry Moms discusses her collaboration with Dr. Susan Rubin that started a grass roots movement that is making school lunch programs healthy across the country.; Resources: Angry Moms ; Comment: What Keeps People Healthy |
1/24/2012 | Being Your Own Program | Health integrationist Layna Berman discusses creating your own individualized program, one that meets your special needs and that promotes a stronger relationship with your health.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman.; Comment: Common Knowledge |
1/17/2012 | Advice From the End | Gerontologist Karl Pillemer, PhD, discusses his new book 30 Lessons for Living, which is built around interviews with elderly people about big life questions.; Resources: The Legacy Project ; 30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans by Karl Pillemer; Comment: The New Biology |
1/10/2012 | Smart Meter Resistance Update | Activists Josh Hart from Stop Smart Meters! and Sandi Maurer from EMF Safety Network discuss the latest proposals in response to citizen resistance to the Smart Meter rollout.; Resources: Stop Smart Meters!; EMF Safety Network; Comment: Genetically Modified Facts |
11/29/2011 | How Safe is That New Meter? | Cindy Sage, nationally renowned environmental land use consultant and author of assessments of wireless and cell tower installations, reviews her critique of the newest EPRI Technical Report designed to reassure the public about the safety of Smart Meters.; Resources: Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters; EMF Safety Network; Comment: Off-target Effects |
10/25/2011 | Therapeutic Fever and Immune Building Cancer Therapies | Physician, oncology specialist Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and holistic health professor Erik Peper, PhD, discuss their new book Fighting Cancer, which covers Dr. Gorter’s groundbreaking and effective non-toxic cancer therapies.; Resources: Fighting Cancer: A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment by Robert Gorter and Erik Peper; Dr. Gorter’s Medical Center Cologne; Dr. Peper’s website; Comment: Evidence for Health |
10/18/2011 | An Epidemic of Chronically Ill Kids | Beth Lambert, healthcare consultant, author and executive director of PEACE (Parents Ending America’s Childhood Epidemic) discusses her book A Compromised Generation.; Resources: Parents Ending America’s Childhood Epidemic; A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America's Children by Beth Lambert; Comment: Environmental Determinants of Health |
10/11/2011 | Digestion is the Key to Health | Nutritionist, author, and health educator Elizabeth Lipski, PhD, CCN discusses the science of gut health in the fourth edition of her book Digestive Wellness: Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion.; Resources: Elizabeth Lipski’s website and the book Digestive Wellness by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD; Comment: Prostate Politics |
10/4/2011 | Green Chemistry | Terry Collins, PhD, leader of the Institute for Green Science at Carnegie Mellon University, discusses green chemistry: the design of chemical processes that are non-toxic and sustainable.; Resources: Institute for Green Science ; Comment: What Experts Think |
9/13/2011 | Evolving a City | David Sloan Wilson, PhD an evolutionary biologist at Binghamton University, discusses his work and book The Neighborhood Project: Using Evolution to Improve My City One Block at a Time.; Resources: David Sloan Wilson’s website; the Binghamton Neighborhood Project website; The Neighborhood Project: Using Evolution to Improve My City One Block at a Time by David Sloan Wilson; Comment: Protect Yourself |
9/6/2011 | Living with Autism | Autism activist, animal scientist, and author Temple Grandin, PhD discusses how living with autism has helped her to develop extraordinary capacities. Includes advice for families with autistic children.; Resources: Thinking in Pictures: And Other Reports from My Life with Autism by Temple Grandin; Temple Grandin’s website; Comment: Insomnia and Asthma |
8/23/2011 | Unintended Consequences are the Rule | Edward Tenner, PhD, author of When Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences, discusses unintended consequences, the history of technology, lessons learned, and how to think critically.; Resources: Edward Tenner’s website |
8/16/2011 | Fixing a Broken Heart | Too much stress, sadness, grief, and disappointment can break a human heart. Layna Berman discusses how recovery, quietude, good nutrient density, hormone balance, exercise, and purpose can help to mend it.; Resources: The Healing Bouquet by Vinton McCabe |
8/9/2011 | Fermentation Workshop | Sandor Katz, author of Wild Fermentation, teaches workshops across the country on how to increase food’s value and nutrition by fermenting them. He discusses the history and culture of fermented foods and how to prepare them.; Resources: Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz available on the website |
8/2/2011 | Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs | Harvey Bigelsen, MD joins us for a discussion of how surgery, invasive medical treatments, and unnecessary diagnoses lead to future illness and early mortality. His book is Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs.; Resources: Harvey Bigelsen, MD website; Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs: How Surgery Can Be Hazardous to Your Health - And What to Do about It by Harvey Bigelsen |
7/26/2011 | Fukushima, What Now? | Energy advisor and nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen discusses the Fukushima disaster and what they’re doing to both educate and litigate for a nuclear free future.; Resources: Fairewinds Associates |
7/17/2011 | Pesticides Coming Your Way | Nan Wishner from California Environmental Health Initiative and Paul Towers from Pesticide Action Network bring us up to date on sneaky new attempts to apply yet more pesticides to our water, air, and food.; Resources: California Environmental Health Initiative; Pesticide Action Network |
7/12/2011 | From Posture to Movement | Physical therapist Eddie Rosen discusses the fundamentals of posture and movement integrating many different body work modalities, focusing on individual ease in function.; Resources: Eddie Rosen’s website |
6/28/2011 | Is This Even Legal? | Attorney Larry Bragman is Mayor of the town of Fairfax in Marin County, California, where he introduced and authored Fairfax's 2010 groundbreaking Smart Meter Moratorium. Josh Hart is the director of Stop Smart Meters, a journalist and activist who is leading a citizen revolt against wireless utility meters. They both join the show to discuss how citizens can protect their civil rights, privacy, and health from the proliferation of wireless technologies.; Resources: Stop Smart Meters! |
6/7/2011 | Childhood Brain Injuries | A discussion with Richard Kunin, MD, about the causes of neurological brain injuries such as Autism, Tourette's, and ADHD, and their etiology, prevention and treatment.; Resources: Richard Kunin, MD |
5/24/2011 | Digital Passivity | Author, teacher, and documentarian Douglas Rushkoff, author most recently of Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age discusses the dangers of tuning out in a digital world.; Resources: Douglas Rushkoff’s website |
5/17/2011 | Cooking Made Easy | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss how to prepare fresh, nutrient-rich meals that save time and enrich your life.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Get Cooking: 150 Simple Recipes to Get You Started in the Kitchen by Mollie Katzen |
5/3/2011 | Iodine: Breast Cancer and Thyroid | Biochemist David Zava PhD, founder and director of ZRT labs, will be discussing the importance of iodine supplementation including dosing guidelines and testing. In light of concerns about exposure to radioactive isotopes, they also discuss the role of iodine supplementation in protecting against thyroid cancer.; Resources: ZRT Laboratory |
4/19/2011 | Grassroots Revolt Against Smart Meters | Joshua Hart, freelance journalist, activist, and director of Stop Smart Meters, discusses anti-smart meter resistance in California and across the country. Included will be information about the California Public Utilities Commission’s recent request for an opt out solution that falls short of giving rate payers an actual choice about protecting their health and privacy.; Resources: Stop Smart Meters! |
3/29/2011 | Health Effects of Nuclear Radiation from All Sources | Ernest Sternglass, PhD, physicist and anti-nuclear activist since the 1950s, discusses what we know about the dangerous effects of nuclear radiation from all sources.; Resources: Radiation and Public Health Project |
3/22/2011 | Smart Meter Report Scientific Shortfall | Environmental Planning Consultant Cindy Sage, MA, co-editor of the BioInitiative Report, critiques the recent SmartMeter report by the California Council on Science and Technology and discusses her computer modeling analysis of SmartMeter use, showing they will usually exceed FCC safety limits.; Resources: Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters; EMF Safety Network |
2/22/2011 | Fatigue and Depression | Orthomolecular physician Dr. Richard Kunin discusses the nutrient disturbances that contribute to chronic fatigue and depression.; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service |
2/8/2011 | Hyperthyroid | Elaine Moore, author of Graves’ Disease: A Practical Guide, joins Layna Berman for a discussion about hyperthyroidism and Graves’ disease. The focus will be on alternative, non-invasive treatments.; Resources: Graves’; Disease: A Practical Guide by Elaine Moore |
1/11/2011 | How Cooking Made Us Human | Richard Wrangham, the Ruth Moore Professor of Biological Anthropology at Harvard University and Curator of Primate Behavioral Biology at the Peabody Museum, discusses his newest book Catching Fire.; Resources: Catching Fire by Richard Wrangham; Primate Behavioral Ecology Research Group Richard W. Wrangham’s Lab |
12/21/2010 | Sight and the Mind | Neurologist and author Oliver Sacks, MD discusses his newest book The Mind’s Eye. Through case histories including his own loss of sight in one eye, he explores how we see, when we can’t understand what we’re seeing, and how our minds adapt to help us.; Resources: Oliver Sacks’s website; The Mind’s Eye by Oliver Sacks, MD |
12/14/2010 | The Body as an Ecology | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD, authors of Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health, discuss a core principle in their practice: the body works as an integrated whole. Selected health issues are used as examples including practical application of the principle to support and restore health.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/16/2010 | Plant Based Diets | Nutritionist and author Kaayla Daniel, PhD, author of The Whole Soy Story takes a critical look at the premise that a mostly plant based diet is healthier.; Resources: The Whole Soy Story |
10/26/2010 | Epidemiology and Electrosmog | Epidemiologist Sam Milham, MD, MPH, author of Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization, discusses the history of diseases connected to the delivery of electrical services and wireless technologies.; Resources: Dirty Electricity; Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization by Sam Millham |
10/12/2010 | Depression: Under-Examined Imbalances | Health educator Layna Berman explores overlooked imbalances that trigger depression and discusses strategies for treatment without drugs.; Resources: The Anti-Depressant Fact Book by Peter Breggin; Calm Energy by Robert Thayer; The End of Stress as We Know It by Bruce McEwen; Comfortably Numb by Charles Barber |
10/5/2010 | Industry Censored Cell Phone Science | Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, author of Disconnect discusses how industry censors the science that shows harm from cell phones and their radiation. Also on the show: Ellie Marks, an activist whose husband was diagnosed with a malignant glioma, and electronic engineer Lloyd Morgan who is also a brain tumor survivor.; Resources: Environmental Health Trust |
9/28/2010 | How Play Makes Us Human | Peter Grey, PhD, a research professor of psychology at Boston College, is a specialist in developmental and evolutionary psychology. His work focuses on play as a Foundation for Hunter-Gatherer Social Existence. He demonstrates how people working together in a non hierarchical setting turn work into play.; Resources: Freedom to Learn |
9/21/2010 | Beating Stress | Renowned sports psychology expert W. Timothy Gallwey and his co-author John Horton M.D. offer unique guidelines for mental health, applying the trusted principles of Gallwey's popular Inner Game series, in The Inner Game of Stress.; Resources: The Inner Game of Stress |
9/14/2010 | Equilibrium and Proprioception | Author Scott McCredie, author of Balance: In Search of the Lost Sense, discusses how we maintain balance and proprioception, the three-dimensional sense of our body’s position; Resources: Balance: In Search of the Lost Sense by Scott McCredie; |
9/7/2010 | Bone Health | Health educator Layna Berman discusses non-pharmaceutical solutions to preserving and building bone mass for both genders including vitamins D and K.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/31/2010 | How We Are Aging | Psychologist Dr. Myrtle Heery discusses the unique way that baby boomers are approaching aging. She is co-editor of the book Awakening to Aging: Glimpsing the Gifts of Aging; Resources: Myrtle Heery’s website The International Institute for Humanistic Studies; Awakening to Aging by Myrtle Heery and Greg Richardson |
8/17/2010 | Getting the Most for Your Medical Dollar | Orthomolecular physician Richard Kunin, MD discusses the tests and other evaluations that are worth your time and money in making informed health and medical decisions.; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service |
8/10/2010 | Anxiety | An exploration of the origins and triggers, both environmentally and psychosocially, for anxiety and hyperarousal. Health educator Layna Berman discusses how to support and balance the endocrine system, introduce nutritional protection, and practice prudent avoidance of irritants.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/3/2010 | A Memorial to Dr. John Lee, MD | A memorial to Dr. John Lee, MD who wrote books and educated physicians and individuals about the importance of natural progesterone and other bio-identical hormones, with excerpts from shows with Dr. Lee and comments by his wife Pat Lee.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee |
7/13/2010 | Music and the Brain | Aniruddh D. Patel, Ph.D., Senior Fellow in Theoretical Neurobiology at The Neurosciences Research Foundation with his colleague Dr. John Iversen will discuss their research described in the book Music, Language and the Brain.; Resources: Music, Language, and the Brain by Aniruddh D. Patel |
7/6/2010 | 2010 USDA Dietary Guidelines and Food Safety Legislation | Judith McGeary, attorney, farmer, and founder and executive director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance and Sally Fallon Morell, founder and director of the Weston A. Price Foundation, critique the 2010 USDA 2010 USDA Dietary Guidelines and Food Safety Legislation.; Resources: Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance and Weston A. Price Foundation |
6/29/2010 | Fetal Programming | Dan Agin, PhD, Emeritus Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology at the University of Chicago and author of More than Genes discusses how our increasingly toxic world affects children and their potential even before they’re born.; Resources: More Than Genes by Dan Agin; Dan Agin’s blog on the Huffington Post |
6/22/2010 | Thyroid | Health Educator Layna Berman examines the underdiagnosis of thyroid conditions. Thyroid imbalance is central to the proper function of all the other hormones and affects metabolism, cognition, body composition, and mood. This program will look at how to treat, support, and protect the thyroid.; Resources: Graves' Disease: A Practical Guide by Eleaine Moore |
5/25/2010 | The Essence of Healing: Discovering Bach Flower Remedies | Vinton McCabe, author of The Healing Bouquet, discusses the principles and practices for health and healing using Bach flower essences.; Resources: The Healing Bouquet by Vinton McCabe |
5/18/2010 | Eating Gone Wrong | Former FDA commissioner David Kessler, MD, author of The End of Overeating discusses how the food industry has designed overeating into its products and what we can do to protect ourselves.; Resources: The End of Overeating |
5/4/2010 | Buying Green | Journalist Heather Rogers, author of Green Gone Wrong, discusses how market solutions to environmental threats have failed and what actions we can take to be green for good.; Resources: Healther Rogers and Green Gone Wrong: How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution |
4/6/2010 | Smart and Unhealthy | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage, contributing editor of the Bioinitiative Report, discusses the health and other risks we will face when wireless Smart Meters are installed on our homes.; Resources: Are Smart Meters Smart? |
3/23/2010 | The Neuroscience of Emotion | Neuorscientist Joseph LeDoux, author of The Emotional Brain, discusses the origins of our emotional life, how it affects how we see, decide, and act, and how all are affected by trauma.; Resources: Center for Neural Science, LeDoux Lab; The Emotional Brain by Joseph LeDoux |
3/16/2010 | The Learning Brain | Biologist James Zull, PhD, author of The Art of Changing the Brain and director of the Case Western University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education, discusses what our brain does when we learn and what that tells us about how best to learn.; Resources: The Art of Changing the Brain by James Zull |
2/23/2010 | Making Changes | Psychologist James Prochaska, PhD, author of Changing for Good, discusses how people make changes in their life and how we can all take control of the process.; Resources: Pro-Change Behavior Systems; Changing for Good by James Prochaskal |
2/9/2010 | Wireless Risks in the Mainstream | Journalists Christopher Ketcham and Michael Segell discuss the risks of wireless technologies and dirty electricity from their work published in GQ magazine (Ketcham) and Prevention magazine (Segell)—to date, the most prominent in mainstream media.; Resources: Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health by Christopher Ketcham; Electroshocker: A Prevention Special Report by Michael Segell |
2/2/2010 | Living Like an Immortal | Health educator Layna Berman contests the major myth of aging: that degeneration is inevitable. And she offers suggestions for healthy longevity from the inside out.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/26/2010 | International Threats to Supplement Freedom | Robert Verkerk, PhD of the Alliance for Natural Health, discusses international regulations that could restrict access to nutritional supplements and other natural health products.; Resources: Alliance for Natural Health |
1/5/2010 | Not-So-Smart Grid | Science journalist Blake Levitt and electrical engineer Michael Neuert discuss the potential risks of the Smart Grid, the wireless electric utility metering and monitoring network imposed on us without our consent.; Resources: TURN (The Utility Reform Network) article and TURN (The Utility Reform Network) petition; EMF Safety Network petition; Blake Levitt's website; Neuert Electromagnetic Services |
12/29/2009 | Gut Health | Health educator Layna Berman discusses causes of digestive imbalance and non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical care. ; Resources: Digestive Wellness |
12/15/2009 | Megavitamin Therapy | Richard Kunin, MD, president of the Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society, discusses the latest orthomolecular science and the use of nutrients in treating illness and promoting health.; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service |
12/1/2009 | Malleable Mind | Philippe Goldin, PhD, Head of Clinically Applied Affective Neuroscience Group, Stanford University discusses what research on the brain shows us about individual responses to specific therapies. Included is a discussion of how we change and the healing influences of meditation-, cognitive-, and emotion-focused therapies.; Resources: Clinically Applied Affective Neuroscience (CAAN) |
11/24/2009 | Food Safety | James Turner, consumer protection attorney and chairman of the board Citizen's For Health, discusses the hidden dangers in pending food safety legislation that would impose fees and regulations on organic farmers and possibly restrict access to supplements and herbs.; Resources: Citizens for Health |
11/17/2009 | Boosting Immunity | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD, authors of Too Much Medicine Not Enough Health, explore the mechanisms involved in improving healthy immunity. Included are recommendations for lifestyle and nutrient strategies.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/10/2009 | Health Care Elsewhere | Journalist TR Reid, author of The Healing of America, discusses his experience with health care systems outside the US and what this tells us about reform of America’s health care system.; Resources: The Healing of America by TR Reid |
10/27/2009 | Wireless Technology Health News | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage discusses the latest research on wireless technology's health risks: a critique of WHO’s Interphone study, a careful look at the Environmental Working Group’s report on cell phones, the answers that should have been given at the Senate hearings, and more.; Resources: What to Tell Your Employer about Cell Phones and PDAs in the Workplace; Plain Talk About Cell Phone Safety; Bioinitiative Report; CLOUT (Coalition for Local Oversight of Utility Technologies) |
10/13/2009 | Swine Flu | Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, discusses the risks of swine flu vaccination and the other aspects of the conventional strategy for flu prevention.; Resources: National Vaccine Information Center |
9/22/2009 | Imagery: Treating People, Not Disease | Martin L. Rossman, MD, physician and acupuncturist, discusses the use of guided imagery as a tool for self healing. Included is information from his book Guided Imagery for Self-Healing.; Resources: The Healing Mind ; Guided Imagery for Self-Healing by Martin Rossman |
9/15/2009 | Cooking Your Life | An interview with Edward Espe Brown, Soto Zen teacher, cook, author of Tassajara Cooking, The Tassajara Bread Book, and several other books, and also featured in the film How to Cook Your Life. He discusses how the simple, nourishing details of our lives can be used to awaken the cultivation of compassion and joy.; Resources: The Peaceful Sea Sangha |
7/21/2009 | What the World Eats | Photographer Peter Menzel and journalist Faith D’Aluisio discuss their book Hungry Planet ...“a photographic study of families from around the world, revealing what people eat during the course of one week.”; Resources: Hungry Planet by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio |
7/14/2009 | Mercury Politics | Jane Hightower, MD, author of Diagnosis Mercury: Money, Politics, and Poison, discusses her discovery that her Marin County, California patients who ate lots of sushi and tuna had astronomical mercury levels. ; Resources: Diagnosis Mercury by Jane Hightower |
6/30/2009 | Megavitamin Therapeutics | Andrew Saul, PhD, author with Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD of Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone, discusses orthomolecular health medicine, nutrient-based self-care, and the work of the late Abram Hoffer. ; Resources: Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone by Abram Hoffer and Andrew Saul; Doctor Yourself ; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service |
6/23/2009 | Another Thyroid Show | Health educator Layna Berman uncovers the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of thyroid disorders with particular attention to what causes these disorders to be ignored and undertreated.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
6/16/2009 | Expanding the Detection of Food Allergies to Raw and Cooked Foods | Microbiologist and immunologist Aristo Vojdani, PhD reviews his newest research that expands testing for food allergies and distinguishes between raw, cooked, and processed foods.; Resources: Detection of IgE, IgG, IgA and IgM antibodies against raw and processed food antigens |
6/9/2009 | Alternatives to Wireless Broadband | Activists Doug Loranger and Sally Hampton discuss the substantial problems with wireless broadband and explain safer, more effective options. They also discuss the worldwide citizen activism against the proliferation of wireless technologies.; Resources: CLOUT (Coalition for Local Oversight of Utility Technologies) ; TeleTruth (Alliance for Customers’ Telecommunications & Broadband Rights) |
6/2/2009 | Horse Therapy | Physical therapist Fran Judd discusses her work utilizing Hippotherapy ("treatment with the help of the horse") to benefit patients with a variety of neurological and orthopedic conditions, including Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, autism, developmental delays, and back pain.; Resources: Renaissance Health and Learning Center |
5/19/2009 | Food | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss pre-agricultural diet and its health benefits, cooking whole foods, and food politics.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman; Health and the Rise of Civilization by Mark Nathan Cohen |
5/12/2009 | Raising Food Ecologically All Year | Toby Hemenway, author of Gaia’s Garden, and Elliot Coleman, author of The Winter Harvest Handbook, discuss gardening and farming by nature’s rules.; Resources: Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemenway; Pattern Literacy, The Winter Harvest Handbook by Elliot Coleman; Four Season Farm |
5/5/2009 | Breast Cancer and Early Puberty | Nancy Evans, health science consultant to the Breast Cancer Fund, discusses the environmental causes of breast cancer and the early onset of puberty.; Resources: Breast Cancer Fund |
4/28/2009 | Blood Sugar | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD uncover the actual causes for metabolic disruptions that result in a diagnosis of diabetes and offer suggests for rebalance beyond drugs.; Resources: Essays by Malcolm Kendrick, MD A Sugary Tale and Berardinelli-Seip - Explain That and Type II Diabetes isn’t a Disease. |
4/21/2009 | Fats | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD explore the science of dietary fats: why they're essential to health, how they're metabolized, what constitutes a healthy ratio, and how good fats can “go bad”; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/7/2009 | Reducing EMF in Your Home | Environmental consultant Michael R. Neuert, MA, BSME, discusses common EMF exposures in the home, their effects, and how to reduce and eliminate them.; Resources: Neuert Electromagnetic Services |
3/31/2009 | Designing a Sane Individual Diet Plan | Health educator Layna Berman discusses how individuals can design their own health diet plan.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/17/2009 | Regulating Wireless Radiation | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage of Sage EMF Design, lead author with David Carpenter of the Bioinitiative Report, discusses how Europe is responding to the current science about the dangers associated with microwave, wireless, and cellphone radiation.; Resources: Bioinitiative Report ; Collaborative on Health and the Environment EMF Working Group |
2/24/2009 | Vitamin Supplementation, Part 2 | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD continue their discussion of nutrient supplementation, including nutrient requirements and special attention to antioxidants.; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service ; Linus Pauling Institute ; Clinical Pearls |
2/10/2009 | Raising a Happy Toddler | Pediatrician and author Dr. Harvey Karp teaches parents to communicate with toddlers and infants by understanding how they express themselves. His programs are targeted to stop child abuse.; Resources: The Happiest Baby on the Block and The Happiest Toddler on the Block by Harvey Karp; The Happiest Baby; |
2/3/2009 | Fresh Food From Small Spaces | Author RJ Ruppenthal, an attorney and college professor, discusses urban gardening.; Resources: Fresh Food From Small Spaces: The Square-Inch Gardener’s Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting, and Sprouting by RJ Ruppenthal |
1/20/2009 | Health Care Change | James Turner, Chair of the Board of Director of Citizen's For Health, what really needs to change in health care.; Resources: Citizens for Health |
1/13/2009 | Medical Decision Making | Oleg Reznik, MD, author of The Secrets of Medical Decision Making discusses how to avoid becoming a victim of the health care machine.; Resources: Oleg Reznik, MD; The Secrets of Medical Decision Making: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of the Health Care Machine by Oleg Reznik |
1/6/2009 | Exercise and Disease Prevention | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett PhD discuss the role of exercise in preventing disease including specific recommendations on forms of exercise and training regimes.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/23/2008 | Shielding EMFs | Emil DeToffol from Less EMF Inc. offers scientific suggestions for electromagnetic field shielding in the home and office, when you can't control the exposure from the source.; Resources: Less EMF, Inc. |
12/16/2008 | Electronics Recycling Scam | Sarah Westervelt, e-Waste Project Coordinator for the Basel Action Network, uncovers the ugly truth about the alleged recycling of consumer electronics and cell phones.; Resources: Basel Action Network |
11/4/2008 | Real Food Saves Money | Food journalist Sally Fallon, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, discusses eating and preparing whole, unprocessed food and how it saves money at the cash register and reduces health care costs.; Resources: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig; Weston A. Price Foundation |
10/28/2008 | Secondhand Cell Phone Radiation | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage, lead author with David Carpenter of the Bioinitiative Report, discusses recent developments in the science of health effects from wireless technologies, including findings of health effects from proximity to cell phone users. ; Resources: Bioinitiative Report |
10/21/2008 | Real Prevention | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD, discuss the false political promise of health care reform based on preventive medicine in contrast to real prevention and health promotion based on informed individual and collective action.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/30/2008 | Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Soy | Journalist Kaayla Daniel, PhD discusses why using soy as a therapy for cancers involving reproductive hormones is contraindicated.; Resources: The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food by Kaalya Daniel; Weston A. Price Foundation Soy Alert!; and Soy Free Solutions |
9/16/2008 | Toxic Assault | Investigative journalists Philip and Alice Shabecoff, authors of Poisoned Profits, discuss the health effects of the first generation to grow up constantly exposed to industrial toxins.; Resources: Poisoned Profits by Philip and Alice Shabecof; Poisoned Profits website |
8/26/2008 | Safe Cell Tower Siting | Journalist and environmental analyst B. Blake Levitt, author of Electromagnetic Fields and contributing editor of Cell Towers, discusses the wide range of risks associated with siting cell phone towers and strategies for siting them safely; Resources: B. Blake Levitt’s website , Cell Towers and Electromagnetic Fields by B. Blake Levitt |
8/19/2008 | Traveling with Homeopathy | Homeopath Judith Reichenberg ND, MSW discusses homeopathic remediesthat protect travelers, treat illnesses, and provide first aid.; Resources: Healthy Homeopathy |
8/5/2008 | Skin Protection and Health | Skin specialist and author Marie-Véronique Nadeau discusses how to protect the skin without the use of dangerous chemicals, including the probable problems with the use of nanotechnology in skin products.; Resources: The Yoga Facelift by Marie-Véronique Nadea; Marie Véronique Skin Therapy |
7/15/2008 | Recovery without Pharmaceuticals | Charles Barber, recovery counselor and author of Comfortably Numb: How Psychiatry is Medicating a Nation, advocates for patient centered therapies rather than drugs in treating psychiatric symptoms and addiction.; Resources: Comfortably Numb by Charles Barber; Motivational Interviewing |
7/8/2008 | Estrogen | David Zava, PhD, co-author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer, joins Layna Berman for a discussion about native estrogens, what the research reveals about them, how they work in the body, what balances their effects, and the maintenance of healthy levels.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee, MD and David Zava, PhD; ZRT Laboratory |
6/24/2008 | Weight | Health educator Layna Berman examines weight loss including when it's healthy and when it's not, food addiction, allergies, carbohydrate sensitivity, hormones, and exercise.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
6/17/2008 | Why the US is Importing Toxic Products | Mark Schapiro, author of Exposed, discusses how new laws protecting Europeans and no protections for Americans is causing toxic products to be dumped on the U.S. market. ; Resources: Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What's at Stake for American Power by Mark Schapiro; Center for Investigative Reporting |
5/20/2008 | Cultivating Live Cultures for Healthy Gut and Immune Function | Sandor Katz, author of Wild Fermentation, discusses home cultivation of fermented foods with live cultures including the health benefits; Resources: Wild Fermentation |
5/13/2008 | Shopping Our Way to Safety | Sociologist Andrew Szasz, PhD, author of Shopping our Way to Safety discusses the accelerating trend toward reducing risk individually by purchasing products and why such solutions are ultimately not effective.; Resources: Shopping Our Way to Safety by Andrew Szasz |
5/6/2008 | From Radio Frequency to Bug Spray | Protecting citizen health from corporate power. An interview with film makers Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle from EON Ecological Options Network.; Resources: Ecological Options Network |
4/15/2008 | Longevity and Socio-Economic Stress | Tony Iton, MD, MPH, Alameda County Public Health Department Director and Health Officer discusses the lessons of the California Newsreel documentary and PBS series Unnatural Causes.; Resources: Unnatural Causes ; Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative |
4/1/2008 | Hypersensitivity | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss hypersensitivity both to chemicals and electromagnetic fields. The hour includes a review of the science and practical solutions for identifying the source of symptoms and prudent mitigation.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/25/2008 | Pesticides in Your Food | Organic farmer Will Allen, PhD, author of The War on Bugs discusses the hidden history of how the use of chemicals in food production has been a triumph of manipulation and a failure of science.; Resources: The War on Bugs by Will Allen; The War on Bugs; Organic Consumers Association |
3/18/2008 | Allergy Alternatives | Health educator Layna Berman discusses allergies, their origins, and treatment options using diet, nutrients, herbs, and homeopathy.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/26/2008 | Aerial Spraying and Detoxification | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the risks posed by aerial spraying against the light brown apple moth and other agricultural pests along with detoxication methods for protection against these exposures; Resources: Stop the Spraying |
2/19/2008 | Should You Be Tested For Cancer? | Dr. H. Gilbert Welch, MD, MPH, Dartmouth Medical School, co-director of the VA Outcomes Group at the Department of Veterans Affairs, discusses why cancer tests are risky.; Resources: Should I Be Tested For Cancer? by H. Gilbert Welch |
2/12/2008 | Growing Food | Wendy Johnson, author of Gardening at the Dragon’s Gate. Buddhist meditation teacher, and organic gardening mentor, discusses gardening practices that cultivate healthful food, the gardener, and the consumer..; Resources: Gardening at the Dragon’s Gate |
2/5/2008 | Eating Sustainably | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss sustainable food choices from the perspective of ecologically and socially sustainable practices in production, distribution, and impact on individual health.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/29/2008 | Sustainable Health | Jeffry Fawcett, PhD, founder and president of the Sustainable Health Institute, discusses sustainable health practices that enable people and their communities to thrive through the art of self care.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/22/2008 | Supplement Access: An Update on Proposed Regulation | Attorney James Turner of Swankin and Turner and Citizen's For Health discusses our access to and freedom of choice in healthcare products, foods, and supplements.; Resources: Citizens for Health |
1/15/2008 | Autism and ADHD: Nutrient Therapies | Julie Matthews, CNC and author of Nourishing Hope discusses nutrient approaches for treatment of autism and ADHD.; Resources: Nourishing Hope by Julie Matthews |
12/25/2007 | Stress Related Illness | Health Educator Layna Berman covers principles for the avoidance and healing of stress related illness.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/18/2007 | Nutrient Basics | Orthomolecular physician Richard Kunin, MD discusses what's needed for basic nutrient supplementation and the actions of individual nutrients.; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicne News Service |
12/11/2007 | Addiction Free Eating | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the interaction between food sensitivities/addictions and substance abuse.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/4/2007 | WiMax: The Next Wireless Exposure | Libby Kelley, Executive Director of the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety and founder of Council on Wireless Technology Impacts, discusses this latest wireless technology, its risks, and an upcoming meeting of activists and scientists concerned about its spread. Includes extended discussion on self-care not available on the broadcast version.; Resources: Council on Wireless Technology Impacts (CWTI) , International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) |
11/27/2007 | Bioinitiative: Standards for Electrosmog | Cindy Sage and David O. Carpenter, MD discuss the Bioinitiative Report that proposes better standards for exposure to electromagnetic fields based on the work of leading scientists. Includes extended discussion on self-care not available on the broadcast version.; Resources: Bioinitiative Report |
11/20/2007 | Stress, Grace, and The Inner Predator | Leslie Acoca, MFT, Director National Girls Health Screen Project, describes her journey to reconcile with her brother's murderer, a process that taught her how people face down their own inner and outer predators in order to heal from trauma. Includes extended discussion on self-care not available on the broadcast version.; Resources: Leslie Acoca, MFT |
10/23/2007 | Untreatable Chronic Illness: A Breakthrough | Professor of biochemistry and medical science Martin Pall, PhD, author of Explaining Unexplained Illness, discusses his discoveries for chronic illnesses formerly considered untreatable, including a discussion of effective nutrient therapies.; Resources: Martin Pall, PhD Washington State University research page; Explaining Unexplained Illnesses by Martin Pall |
9/11/2007 | Self-Healing for Your Eyes | Meir Schneider, PhD, LMT explains his unique approach to healing and vision restoration.; Resources: The School for Self-Healing ; Movement for Self-Healing and The Natural Vision Improvement Kit by Meir Schneider |
9/4/2007 | Healing the Mind | Journalist Sharon Begley, author of Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain discusses the science confirming the Buddhist belief in neuroplasticity.; Resources: Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves by Sharon Begley |
8/28/2007 | Does Green Mean Non-toxic? | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss toxic risks in “green” products and describe how to avoid exposures and boost detoxification pathways.; Resources: Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough and Michael Baumgart; Environmental Working Group ; Our Stolen Future ; Microwave News ; Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer's Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves by B. Blake Levitt; Healthy Car ; Toxic at Any Speed by the Ecology Center; A Small Dose of Toxicology |
8/14/2007 | Drinking Water | Colin Ingram discusses how to eliminate toxins from your water.; Resources: The Drinking Water Book by Colin Ingram |
7/31/2007 | Clara Felix: A Memorial | Joined by Elliot Wagner, LAc, Clara Felix's son, health educator Layna Berman discusses the life and work of nutrition expert Clara Felix.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/24/2007 | Resistance to Citywide WiFi | Doug Loranger, from San Francisco Neighborhood Antenna Free Union, discusses how citizens are mobilizing against exposure to citywide wireless Internet access.; Resources: San Francisco Neighborhood Antenna Free Union |
7/10/2007 | Cancer Screening | A discussion of cancer screening with Samuel Bogoch, MD, PhD, developer of the anti-malignin antibody test, a new, non-invasive screening method for the presence of cancer and its progression.; Resources: Oncolab |
6/19/2007 | A Unique Approach to Addictions | Patt Denning, PhD discusses Harm Reduction Therapy from her book Over the Influence, an approach based on the belief that people have a complex relationship with drugs and alcohol and that addiction needs to be addressed simultaneously with social, psychological and emotional issues.; Resources: The Harm Reduction Therapy Center ; Over the Influence: The Harm Reduction Guide for Managing Drugs and Alcohol by Patt Denning, Jeannie Little, and Adina Glickman |
6/12/2007 | Furniture Toxins | Health educator Layna Berman is joined by Mike Lavin from European Sleepworks to discuss the hidden toxins in furniture, fabrics, and bedding, and also discuss healthier alternatives.; Resources: European Sleepworks |
6/5/2007 | Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment Part 2 | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss how to avoid common diagnoses and the medical interventions that are typically prescribed; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
5/29/2007 | Menstrual Suppression Cautions | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss the dangers of blocking women's periods with synthetic hormones with David Zava, PhD.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee, MD and David Zava, PhD; ZRT Laboratory |
5/22/2007 | Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment Part 1 | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss how to avoid common diagnoses and the medical interventions that are typically prescribed; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
5/15/2007 | Antidepressants: Bad Medicine | Peter Breggin, MD, whose long career has been spent fighting the pharmaceutical industry in the courts over the dangers of psychiatric medications, discusses the risks of antidepressants.; Resources: The Anti-Depressant Fact Book and Your Drug May Be Your Problem by Peter Breggin |
5/1/2007 | Controlling Pests Without Toxins | Arthur Slater, entomologist and retired pest control director at UC Berkeley, discusses how to control residential pests without the use of toxins.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/24/2007 | Explaining Unexplained Illnesses | Martin Pall, PhD discusses his upcoming book which offers a new model for how people with chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivities, gulf war syndrome and fibromyalgia become sick.; Resources: Martin Pall, PhD Washington State University research page; Explaining Unexplained Illnesses: Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibomyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Gulf War Syndrome, and Others by Martin Pall |
4/3/2007 | High EMF Risk from Personal Organizers | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage discusses the latest research on wireless technology's possible risks to humans and the environment. PDA exposures from blackberry and treo units, among others, create exceptionally high exposures when worn on or very near the body. She will discuss these exposures, their possible health consequences, and ways to reduce exposure.; Resources: Sage Associates |
3/27/2007 | Public Health and Toxic Waste | David O. Carpenter MD, director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany, where he is also professor of environmental health and toxicology and former dean of the School of Public Health, discusses where and how people are exposed to environmental stressors and what role of public health institutions in protecting us.; Resources: Institute for Health and the Environment |
3/20/2007 | HPV Vaccine Risks | Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, discusses the risks from the campaign to mass vaccinate with the new HPV vaccine.; Resources: National Vaccine Information Center ; A Shot in the Dark by Harris Coulter and Barbara Fisher and A Consumer’s Guide to Childhood Vaccines by Barbara Fisher |
3/13/2007 | Girls at Risk | Leslie Acoca, MA, MFT, director of In Our Daughters’ Hands, discusses the health of incarcerated girls.; Resources: In Our Daughters’ Hands |
3/6/2007 | Detoxification | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the body's natural detoxification pathways and how to boost them using nutrients.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/4/2007 | Protect Yourself Against Stress-related Illness | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss how stress affects health and illness. Topics include![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/27/2007 | Cesarean Epidemic | Midwife Constance Miles, RN discusses the dangerous trend toward using cesarean surgery instead of natural childbirth.; Resources: Women’s Ways ; North American Registry of Midwives; Citizens for Midwifery; Midwives Alliance of North America; California Association of Midwives; International Cesarean Awareness Network; Association of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology ; National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers ; The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth and Obstetric Myths versus Research Realities by Henci Goer; Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin |
2/13/2007 | Fluoride Dangers | Chemist Paul Connett, PhD, from Fluoride Action Network discusses the dangers of fluoride and the history of its introduction.; Resources: Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson; Fluoride Action Network |
2/6/2007 | Food and Mood | Journalist Jack Challem discusses how food affects mood, including neuronutrients and anger, anxiety, depression, and addiction; Resources: The Food-Mood Solution by Jack Challem |
1/30/2007 | Homeopathy for Pets | Dr. Don Hamilton, DVM discusses his book about homeopathic theory and the care and treatment of cats and dogs.; Resources: Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs by Donald Hamilton; Comment: Social Medicine, Social Health |
1/16/2007 | Health Risks from Nonionizing Radiation | Researcher Henry Lai, PhD of the University of Washington discusses the latest research on the health risks from wireless technologies.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/2/2007 | Loss: Healing Through Transition | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett PhD discuss the role of grief in making health care decisions during transitions.; Resources: The Feeling of What Happens by Antonio Damasio; Changing for Good by James Prochaska; The Alchemy of Illness by Kat Duff |
12/26/2006 | Hidden Stressors: Avoiding a Diagnosis | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the less obvious stressors that lead to a diagnosis like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, including how to avoid and treat symptoms without pharmaceuticals.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/19/2006 | Noninvasive Cancer Treatment Advances | Cancer specialist Stanislaw Burzynski MD, PhD discusses his highly effective noninvasive cancer treatment.; Resources: The Burzynski Clinic |
11/21/2006 | Eating Seasonally and Locally | Chef Jessica Prentice discusses the principles of sustainable eating.; Resources: Full Moon Feast: Food and the Hunger for Connection by Jessica Prentice; Wise Food Ways |
10/10/2006 | Healthy Home Inspection | Environmental economist and health educator Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discusses how to identify and control exposures to pollutants, toxins, allergens, molds, and nonionizing radiation in the home and office.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/26/2006 | Neurofeedback | Julian Isaacs, PhD discusses normalizing the brain with neurofeedback.; Resources: EEG Spectrum International ; International Society for Neurofeedback and Research ; Applied Neuroscience ; Futurehealth; Emotional Freedom Technique |
9/5/2006 | Single Payer Health Insurance | Bree Johnston, MD physician-spokesperson from the group Physicians for a National Health Program will discuss the new California single payer health insurance system, new statistics on the uninsured released by the US Census Bureau, the ongoing health care crisis in the US, specific effects on local areas, and options for health care reform.; Resources: Physicians for a National Health Policy ; Health Care for All ; OneCareNow |
8/29/2006 | Body Pain | Health educator Layna Berman discusses underconsidered reasons for bodywide pain including unresolved infections, hormone imbalances, allergies, and postural problems and offers exercise, oral, and topical nutrient remedies.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/15/2006 | Back and Joint Therapy: Supporting the Whole Person | Thomas Dorman, MD discusses Prolotherapy and its place in supporting the whole person in treating back and joint conditions.; Resources: Thomas Dorman, MD, Fact, Fiction, and Fraud in Modern Medicine |
8/8/2006 | Turning Healthy People Into Patients | Medical writer Roy Moynihan discusses how medical institutions have invented diseases under the guise of prevention.; Resources: Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning Us All into Patients by Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels |
7/25/2006 | Digestive Wellness for Children | Nutritionist Elizabeth Lipski, PhD discusses her new book Digestive Wellness for Children about preventing and healing digestive disorders in children. ; Resources: Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD |
7/19/2006 | Dietary Fat is Good for You | Sally Fallon, executive director of the Weston A. Price Foundation discusses the science of dietary fat.; Resources: Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, Know Your Fats by Mary Enig, Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, and Weston A. Price Foundation |
7/11/2006 | EMF Health News | Louis Slesin, publisher of Microwave News, discusses current developments in industry and science concerning the health effects of non-ionizing radiation.; Resources: Microwave News |
6/27/2006 | Poisoned Progress | Randall Fitzgerald discusses his book The Hundred-Year Lie about modern life increasing toxic body burden. The show includes how to identify exposures and detoxification support.; Resources: The Hundred-Year Lie by Randall Fitzgerald |
6/20/2006 | Protecting Access to Natural Products | Robert Verkerk, PhD of the Alliance for Natural Health discusses the campaign in Europe to prevent European Union regulations from restricting access to supplements, herbs, and other natural health products.; Resources: Alliance for Natural Health |
5/30/2006 | Dirty Electricity and EMF Health Dangers | Magda Havas, BSc, PhD, Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Ontario, Canada discusses low dose radiation health effects.; Resources: Publications by Dr. Havas and; Graham Stetzer filters and |
5/23/2006 | Health News That Didn’t Fit | Health educators Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss important health news and research that was reported wrong or not at all.; Resources: Report of the Independent Vitamin Safety Review Panel on the NIH Conference Report |
5/16/2006 | Non-Toxic Home | Architect Carol Venolia and Susan Bahl from Natural Home Design Center discuss creating a non-toxic home and office.; Resources: Natural Home Design Center website; Natural Remodeling for the Not-So-Green House: How to Bring Your House into Harmony With Nature by Carol Venolia and Kelly Lerner |
5/9/2006 | Cancer Treatment Alternatives | Tanya Harter Pierce, MA, MFCC discusses the wide variety of successful alternatives to conventional cancer treatments.; Resources: Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments that Work by Tanya Harter Pierce; OncoLab |
4/25/2006 | The Science of RFR Health Risks | Olle Johansson, MD associate professor in the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuoscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden discusses new research about the dangers of exposure to radio frequency radiation from cell phones and wireless technologies.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/18/2006 | Cardiovascular Disease Prevention | Health educator Layna Berman discusses nutrient based therapies and new laboratory testing for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/11/2006 | Statin Proliferation | Dr. Duane Graveline, MD cautions against the use of statin drugs.; Resources: Statin Drugs: Side Effects and the Misguided War on Cholestrol and Lipitor: Thief of Memory by Duane Graveline, MD and The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics |
4/4/2006 | DCIS Isn’t Cancer | A discussion of the diagnosis and treatment of breast conditions such as ductile carcinoma in situ.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava |
3/28/2006 | Lyme: Why, Whether, & What to Do | A discussion of the newest testing and non pharmaceutical treatments for Lyme Diseases. Guests are Cindy Quattro, PA, LAc and Nick Harris, PhD from IGeneX Labs.; Resources: IGeneX Lab; California Lyme Disease Association; Lyme Disease Network; Lyme Disease Association; International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society; Health Freedom Solutions |
3/14/2006 | Where You're Exposed and What to Do: EMF and RFR | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage and medical journalist B. Blake Levitt offer practical alternatives and protection from electrosmog exposure.; Resources: Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer's Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves by B. Blake Levitt; Blake Levitt's website; Sage Associates |
2/28/2006 | Heart Disease: What Is It Really? | Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD and Malcolm Kendrick, MD destroy common myths about heart disease and its cause.; Resources: Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD; Malcolm Kendrick, MD |
2/21/2006 | Smoking: The Truth | Stan Glantz, MD professor of medicine at UC San Francisco and an anti-tobacco activist unpacks the science behind smoking's dangers and overweight's relative safety.; Resources: UCSF Tobacco Control Program; Tobacco Control Archives; Smoke Free Movies; "Nicotine Addiction" Progressive Health Observer #4 |
2/7/2006 | Wireless Public Health Crisis | Medical journalist Blake Levitt, activist Jan Newton, president of the EMR Policy Institute, and activist Doug Loranger, maker of the film Bad Reception: The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco, discuss the very disturbing science showing wireless technology's dangers and how the public can protect itself.; Resources: Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer's Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves by B. Blake Levitt; Blake Levitt's website; EMR Policy Institute;; Bad Reception: The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco a film by Doug Loranger, DVD availble at the Free Speech Network; San Francisco Neighborhood Antenna-Free Union |
1/24/2006 | Thyroid Handshake | Biochemist David Zava, PhD discusses the relationship between thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormones, and how balance in one affects the others.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and ZRT Laboratory |
1/17/2006 | Flu Part Two: Homeopathy and Herbal Medicine | Dana Ullman, MPH and Andrew Gaeddert discuss homeopathic and herbal alternatives for protection from and treatment of the flu in the context of the potential pandemic of avian flu.; Resources: Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines: Safe and Effective Remedies for You and Your Family by Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman, Homeopathic Educational Services and Healing Immune Disorders: Natural Defense-Building Solutions by Andrew Gaeddert, Health Concerns |
12/13/2005 | Oppression and Healing | A discussion of how people of color and political progressives can counter the damaging health effects of social stress and the threat of violence. Layna Berman will be joined by long time African-American activist and radio producer Lewis Sawyer and Ana-Marie Jones, disaster preparedness expert and executive director of CARD (Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters).; Resources: Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters (CARD); The End of Stress as We Know It by Bruce McEwen |
11/29/2005 | Electrosmog | Researcher Olle Johansson, MD, associate professor in the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, discusses long term studies showing the adverse health effects of exposure to radio frequency radiation from wireless technologies. Activist Doug Loranger discusses his film Bad Reception: The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco and community activism against citywide wireless broadband Internet access.; Resources: EMFacts Consultancy (Australia); ; Bad Reception: The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco a film by Doug Loranger, DVD availble at the Free Speech Network; San Francisco Neighborhood Antenna-Free Union |
11/22/2005 | Nutrient Protection: Aging and Cancer | Highly awarded for his research, Bruce Ames, PhD is Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of California, Berkeley and Senior Scientist at the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute. He joins the program for a discussion of how nutrients protect us from aging and cancer.; Resources: Bruce Ames website |
11/15/2005 | Avian Flu: What to Do | Ana-Marie Jones, disaster preparedness expert and executive director of CARD (Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters) and Daniel P. Perales, DrPH, MPH, San Jose State University Department of Health Science discuss community activism and preparedness in the face of avian flu.; Resources: Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters (CARD) and Daniel Perales, DrPH |
11/1/2005 | Reproductive Choice | Health educator Layna Berman discusses recent attacks on reproductive freedom of teens and reviews birth control options during the first half-hour, then reviews the work of physician John Lee, MD on hormone balance.; Resources: Planned Parenthood Shasta-Pacific; Managing Contraception; and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee |
10/25/2005 | Genetically Altered Food | Deborah Koons Garcia, director, writer, and producer of The Future of Food, discusses the market forces behind GMO and how communities can organize successful opposition.; Resources: |
10/18/2005 | Holistic Pediatrics | Physician Randall Neustaedter, OMD discusseshow to build healthy immunity in children without the use of invasive pharmaceuticals; Resources: The Vaccine Guide and Child Health Guide by Randall Neustaedter, OMD and the website |
10/11/2005 | Big Pharma Deception | Physician John Abramson, MD discusses how Big Pharma has degraded health and medicine. This is a pledge drive show.; Resources: Overdosed America by John Abramson, MD |
9/27/2005 | The Obesity Epidemic: Science, Morality, and Ideology | Michael Gard, senior lecturer in health studies at Charles Sturt University, Australia critiques the science and social stigma of the alleged obesity epidemic.; Resources: The Obesity Epidemic by Michael Gard and Jan Wright |
9/20/2005 | Buying Organic | Organics specialist and farmer Luddene Perry and writer Dan Schultz discuss how to find and evaluate organic products, including analysis of organic standards and product categories.; Resources: A Field Guide to Buying Organic by Luddene Perry and Dan Schultz and its website at |
8/30/2005 | Risk Factor Medicine | Jeffry Fawcett, PhD and health educator Layna Berman discuss how symptoms of metabolic disruption are treated as diseases by conventional medicine wtih pharmaceuticals. They contrast this with protective and preventive self-care that includes nutrient-based strategies.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman. |
8/23/2005 | Vaccine Risks | Randall Neustaedter, OMD discusses vaccination safety and efficacy.; Resources: The Vaccine Guide and Child Health Guide by Randall Neustaedter, OMD and the website |
7/26/2005 | Public Health Risk from Depleted Uranium | Leuren Moret, expert witness at the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan, and physicist Ernest J. Sternglass, PhD discuss the public health risks to soldiers and civilians from depleted uranium drift.; Resources: Beyond Treason |
7/19/2005 | Smart Exposures: Understanding Risks from EMF & RFR | Cindy Sage of Sage Associates, environmental consultants and public policy researchers, discusses the research and encourages prudence regarding exposure to radiation from cell phones and electromagnetic fields; Resources: Sage Associates |
7/12/2005 | Navigating Anger and Fear | Harriet Lerner, PhD discusses how to respond to old emotions in new ways.; Resources: The Dance of Anger and The Dance of Fear by Harriet Lerner |
7/5/2005 | Preserving the Gut by Boosting Methylation | Orthomolecular physician and researcher Richard Kunin, MD discusses the role of methylation in preserving the health of the gastrointestinal system; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicne News Service |
6/14/2005 | Hormone Fact & Fiction | Biochemist David Zava, PhD of ZRT Labs separates the science from mythology about hormone balance in both genders; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and ZRT Laboratory |
5/24/2005 | The Biology of Belief | Bruce Lipton, PhD, cell biologist, discusses the cellular basis of the mind/body connection. This is a fund drive show.; Resources: The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton |
5/17/2005 | Safe Hormone Science for Both Genders | Biochemist David Zava, PhD offers myth-exploding information on how and when to use bioidentical hormones. This is a fund drive show.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and ZRT Laboratory |
5/10/2005 | Smart Medicine for Your Eyes | Jeffery Anshel, OD discusses non-pharmaceutical approaches to eye protection and care, including nutrients, herbs, and homeopathy.; Resources: Smart Medicine for Your Eyes by Jeffery Anshel, DO |
4/26/2005 | Challenging the Convention on Heart Disease and Diabetes | An interview with Malcolm Kendrick, MD, who works as a doctor in the north of England and writes extensively on heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, arguing that the anti-fat, pro-carbohydrate conventional wisdom has promoted all three.; Resources: Red Flags |
4/5/2005 | Protecting Yourself from the Health Care System | Health educator Layna Berman and health strategies advisor Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discuss protecting yourself and your wishes in a health care environment.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/29/2005 | Community Health Strategies | Leslie Mikkelsen, MPH, Managing Director of The Prevention Institute, founded to address complex health and social issues, one person at a time, creating comprehensive strategies that change the conditions that impact community health, including violence prevention, traffic safety, health disparities, nutrition and physical activity, and youth development.; Resources: The Prevention Institute |
3/15/2005 | Feed Your Genes Right | Nutrional journalist Jack Challem discusses his new book about a nutritional approach to turning off disease-causing genes; Resources: Feed Your Genes Right by Jack Challem |
3/8/2005 | Diabetes Prevention and Natural Treatment Update | Health educator Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD of the "Progressive Health Observer" go over the latest research on prevention and natural treatment of diabetes.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/1/2005 | Indoor Air Pollution | Put a well person in a sick building and you get a sick person! Health educator Layna Berman discusses how to protect yourself at home and at work.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/22/2005 | Healing the Gut Without Drugs | Nutritionist Elizabeth Lipski, PhD, discusses the third edition of her book; Resources: Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD |
2/15/2005 | Choosing Cancer Therapies | Cancer journalist Ralph W. Moss, PhD discusses choosing a cancer therapy.; Resources: Ralph Moss's website |
2/8/2005 | The Good Body | Playwright Eve Ensler discusses women's body image.; Resources: The Good Body and The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler and the VDay website |
1/25/2005 | Genetics, Folate, and Disease | Orthomolecular physician Dr. Richard Kunin, MD discusses how treating genetically based nutrient deficiencies prevents disease.; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service |
1/11/2005 | Reducing Violent Behavior and Depression with Nutrients | Dr. William Walsh from the Pfeiffer Treatment Center. discusses testing and nutrient treatment for psychiatric symptoms.; Resources: Pfeiffer Treatment Center |
12/21/2004 | Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World: Zen Koans | Zen teacher and psychologist John Tarrant, PhD discusses his new book about the use of Zen koans as a tool for change..; Resources: Bring Me the Rhinoceros by John Tarrant, PhD and Pacific Zen Institute |
12/14/2004 | Uncovering the Year’s Health News | Layna Berman and Jeffry Fawcett, PhD, editors and publishers of "Progressive Health Observer", examine health news reported in the conventional media and discuss what wasn't covered.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/7/2004 | Critical Condition | Investigative journalists James Steele and Donald Barlett discuss their new book about how the big bussiness of health care in America has degraded the practice of medicine.; Resources: Critical Condition by James Steele and Donald Barlett |
11/30/2004 | The Truth About the Drug Companies | Dr. Marcia Angell, physician and former editor-in-chief of the "New England Journal of Medicine", discusses her book about how pharmaceutical companies deceive consumers.; Resources: The Truth About the Drug Companies by Marcia Angell |
11/9/2004 | When Things Don't Go Our Way: Zen and Helplessness | Zen teacher Michael Wenger from San Francisco Zen Center discusses strategies for staying engaged without being attached.; Resources: San Francisco Zen Center |
10/26/2004 | Homeopathy at Home | Dana Ullman, homeopathic educator, and director of the Homeopathic Educational Services, discusses his book; Resources: Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines: Safe and Effective Remedies for You and Your Family by Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman and Homeopathic Educational Services |
10/19/2004 | More Cholesterol Myths | Physician and researcher Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD, examines credible research on the relationship between cholesterol levels and heart disease, and finds none.; Resources: Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD |
10/12/2004 | Atkins Diabetes Revolution | Jacqueline Eberstein, RN, Director of Nutrition Information at Atkins Health and Medical Information Services discusses how the Atkins nutritional approach works to prevent and treat diabetes based on her 30 years of working with Robert Atkins, MD at his Atkins Nutritional Approach for Complementary Medicine.; Resources: Atkins Diabetes Revolution by Robert Atkins, Mary Vernon, and Jacqueline Eberstein and Atkins Nutritional Approach for Complementary Medicine |
10/5/2004 | Your Body's Many Cries for Water | Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MD discusses how water regulation and rehydration prevents and cures illness.; Resources: Your Body's Many Cries for Water by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj |
9/28/2004 | Treating HIV with Homeopathic Human Growth Hormone | Biochemist Dr. Barbara Brewitt discusses new studies using her homeopathic human growth hormone products on adult and pediatric HIV-infected patients.; Resources: Biomedd Comm, Inc. |
9/21/2004 | Healing the Whole Addict | Medical journalist Stephanie Marohn discusses where traditional addiction treatments fall short.; Resources: The Natural Medicine Guide to Addiction by Stephanie Marohn |
9/14/2004 | Recovering from Injury | Health educator Layna Berman discusses what to do after a physical injury to support healing.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/17/2004 | Toxic Cosmetics | Sonya Lunder of the Environmental Working Groups discusses how personal care products contribute to your toxic body burden.; Resources: The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics |
8/3/2004 | Talking About Death | Virginia Morris discusses how to prepare for the end of life.; Resources: by Virginia Morris |
7/20/2004 | Hormone Balance and Chronic Illness | Dr. David Zava, endocrinological biochemist discusses how hormone imbalances affect chronic illness.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee, MD and David Zava, PhD; ZRT Laboratory |
7/13/2004 | Inflammation and Chronic Illness | Journalist Jack Challem discusses his book about the root cause of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.; Resources: The Inflammation Syndrome by Jack Challem |
6/29/2004 | Statins: Memory Destroying Drugs | Dr. Duane Graveline, MD, discusses his book "Lipitor, Thief of Memory" about the effect of cholesterol lowering statin drugs on memory; Resources: Lipitor: Thief of Memory by Duane Graveline, MD and The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics |
6/22/2004 | Caring for Aging Parents | Virginia Morris discusses her complete guide on how adult children can help their parents.; Resources: How to Care for Aging Parents and most recently by Virginia Morris |
6/15/2004 | When Food Is Love | Geneen Roth discusses conquering emotional eating.; Resources: The Craggy Hole In My Heart And The Cat Who Filled It Geneen Roth |
6/8/2004 | Passing For Thin | Frances Kuffel, literary agent discusses her book about losing weight, self-image, and overcoming food addictions.; Resources: Passing for Thin: Losing Half My Weight and Finding Myself by Frances Kuffel |
5/25/2004 | Depressing News About Anti-Depressants | Dr. Peter Breggin, MD discusses why anti-depressants should not be used, especially on children.; Resources: The Anti-Depressant Fact Book and Your Drug May Be Your Problem by Peter Breggin |
5/11/2004 | Ecological Medicine Update | Kenny Ausubel, founder of the Bioneers Conference, discusses his newest book: a collection from the proceedings from a conference on a new movement in health care.; Resources: Ecological Medicine edited by Kenny Ausubel and the Bioneers Conference |
4/27/2004 | Heart Disease: Another Perspective | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the overlooked causes and nutritional prevention of heart disease.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/6/2004 | Gut Health and Chronic Illness | Dr. Elizabeth Lipski, PhD,discusses the relationship between the gut and chronic illness.; Resources: Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD |
3/30/2004 | Codex Threatens Access to Supplements | John Hammel of International Advocates for Health Freedom and Dr. Robert Verkerk, PhD, executive director of Alliance for Natural Health (UK) discuss threats to our access to supplements.; Resources: International Advocates for Health Freedom and Alliance for Natural Health (UK) |
3/16/2004 | Health and Economic Status | Bruce McEwen PhD from Rockefeller University and Nancy E. Adler PhD from the MacArthur Network for Socioeconomic Health and the Department of Psychiatry at UCSF, discuss the effect of socioeconomic status on health. ; Resources: Socioeconomic Status and Health in Industrial Nations: Social, Psychological, and Biological Pathways edited by Bruce McEwen and Nancy Adler and The End of Stress as We Know It by Bruce McEwen |
3/2/2004 | The Hunter-Gatherer Diet | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the health promoting properties of eating according to Paleolithic dietary principles: low in allergens and rich in nutrients.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/24/2004 | Fake Foods | Sally Fallon, health journalist and president of the Weston A. Price Foundation discusses the dangers of processed foods.; Resources: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Weston A. Price Foundation |
2/17/2004 | Protecting Your Health While Flying | Diana Fairechild discusses her book; Resources: Jet Smarter by Diana Fairechild |
2/10/2004 | End Addictions With Nutrient Therapy | Physician and researcher Dr. Charles Gant, MD, PhD discusses nutrient-based treatment of addiction; Resources: End Your Addiction Now by Charles Gant |
2/3/2004 | The Hormonal Consequences of Starch and Stress | Health educator Layna Berman reviews the hormonal effects of stress and of self-medication using comfort foods, and offers healthy alternatives.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/20/2004 | Understanding Stress | Researcher Bruce McEwen discusses the biology and social causes of stress.; Resources: The End of Stress as We Know It by Bruce McEwen |
1/13/2004 | Dietary Fats: Myths and Science | Lipid researcher Dr. Mary Enig, PhD, discusses common misinformation about the science of dietary fats.; Resources: Know Your Fats by Mary Enig, Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, and Weston A. Price Foundation |
1/6/2004 | Energy Healing | Greg Schelkun offers guidelines for working with an energy healing practitioner.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/9/2003 | Lyme: Is It What's Making Everyone Sick? | Accupuncturist and environmental consultant David Bierman discusses the Lyme disease epidemic.; Resources: Health Freedom Solutions |
11/18/2003 | Exercise How-To | Health educator Layna Berman offers easy exercise guidelines.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/21/2003 | An Era of Ecodemics | An interview with Mark Jerome Walters discusses his book about killers and their environmental causes. This is a pledge drive show.; Resources: Six Modern Plagues by Mark Jerome Walters |
10/14/2003 | The Cost Of Pharmaceuticals | Journalist Katherine Greider exposes the price manipulations of the pharmaceutical industry. This is a pledge drive show.; Resources: The Big Fix by Katherine Greider |
10/7/2003 | Health Decisions for Diabetes and Other Effects of Metabolic Syndrome | Dr. Jeffry Fawcett, PhD, health decision consultant, educates listeners about risks and prevention strategies for diabetes and other critical diagnoses; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/23/2003 | Insomnia | Health educator Layna Berman discusses causes of and solutions for insomnia.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/9/2003 | Medical Radiation in the Promotion of Cancer and Heart Disease | Dr. John Gofman, MD, PhD professor Emeritus, molecular and cell biology University of California, Berkeley, discusses his extensive research correlating cancer and heart disease to radiation exposure from; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/19/2003 | Making Health Decisions | Health decision consultant Dr. Jeffry Fawcett, PhD discusses how to make health and medical decisions; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/12/2003 | Fibromyalgia | Dr. Peter Madill, MD, discusses the treatment of fibromyalgia; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/29/2003 | The Mood Cure | Julia Ross discusses her newest book about improving your outlook without pharmaceuticals.; Resources: The Mood Cure by Julia Ross |
7/22/2003 | Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain | Neurologist Dr. Antonio Damasio, PhD, discusses his newest book about the role of emotions in human survival and culture.; Resources: Looking for Spinoza, The Feeling of What Happens, and Descartes’ Error by Antonio Damasio |
7/15/2003 | Safe, Nutritious Food | Sally Fallon, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, returns to discuss nutrient density, food safety, and safe food sources.; Resources: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Weston A. Price Foundation |
7/1/2003 | Nutrient Therapy for Psychiatric Symptoms | Dr. William J. Walsh, PhD, chief science and biomedical researcher at the Health Research Institute-Pfeiffer Treatment Center discusses psychiatric treatment using nutrition. ; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
6/10/2003 | Micronutrients for Health | Health educator Layna Berman reviews the use of nutrient supplementation for optimal health.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
6/3/2003 | Hormones in the News | Physician Dr. John Lee, MD and biochemist Dr. David Zava, PhD discuss recent reports on the effects of synthetic hormones and how these differ from bio-identical hormones.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee and ZRT Laboratory |
5/27/2003 | Vitamin C, Infectious Disease, and Toxins | Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD, discusses his book curing infections and detoxification with vitamin C; Resources: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Disease, and Toxins by Thomas Levy |
5/20/2003 | Atkins for Life | A memorial to Dr. Robert Atkins, an interview with Colette Heimowitz, director of education and research for the Atkins Health and Medical Information Services discusses Dr. Atkins's last book; Resources: Atkins for Life by Robert Atkins |
5/6/2003 | The Effect of Lead and Mercury Exposure | Dr. Richard Canfield of Cornell discusses his research indicating that there might be no safe level of lead exposure; and Dr. Phillipe Grandjean of Harvard and the University of Southern Denmark discusses his research on methyl mercury exposure from fish and other sources.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/29/2003 | Stop Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease | Health educator Layna Berman discusses non-pharmaceutical approaches to the prevention and treatment of hypertension.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/22/2003 | Autism: A Natural Approach | Journalist Stephanie Marohn discusses her book, a compilation of natural approaches for treating autism.; Resources: The Natural Medicine Guide to Autism by Stephanie Marohn |
4/15/2003 | The Safe Use of Bio-Identical Hormones | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the use of bio-identical sex hormones to counter news reports that discourage the use of HRT; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/8/2003 | Dietary Fat is in the News | Researcher Dr. Mary Enig, PhD the growing acceptance of fats in our diet; Resources: Know Your Fats by Mary Enig, Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, and Weston A. Price Foundation |
3/11/2003 | Understanding Marijuana | Dr. Mitch Earleywine, PhD, Associate Professor of Clinical Science and Directory of Clinical Training in Psychology at UCLA discusses his research on marijuana; Resources: Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence by Mitch Earleywine |
2/25/2003 | Testing and Treating Allergies | Physician and researcher Dr. Vincent Marinkovich, MD of Immune Tech discusses his new at-home allergy testing kits; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/18/2003 | End Your Addiction Now | Physician and researcher Dr. Charles Gant, MD, PhD discusses nutrient-based treatment of addiction; Resources: End Your Addiction Now by Charles Gant |
2/11/2003 | Feeling-based Therapy in the Prevention of Stress-related Illness | Psychotherapists Miriam Redstone and David Dillman discuss the role of therapy in decreasing stress related illness.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/4/2003 | Turning Suffering Inside Out | Darlene Cohen, MA, pain specialist, body worker, and Zen teacher discusses her book; Resources: Turning Suffering Inside Out: A Zen Approach to Living with Physical and Emotional Pain by Darlene Cohen |
1/21/2003 | Reducing Fight or Flight | Health educator Layna Berman discusses stress, illness, and the nervous system; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/7/2003 | Homeopathic Insulin and Recombinant Human Growth Hormone | Dr. Barbara Brewitt, M.Div., PhD, CEO and Chief Scientific Officer of Biomed Comm Inc discusses the therapeutic use of homeopathic insulin and recombinant human growth hormone; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/17/2002 | Far Infra Red Saunas for Detoxification and Health | Dr. Lawrence Wilson, MD, discusses the use and construction of far infra red saunas for detoxification and health promotion; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/10/2002 | Safe Dentistry | Leo Cashman, president of DAMS Inc., discusses his organizations promotion of safe dental practices; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/3/2002 | Thyroid Syndromes | Health educator Layna Berman discusses thyroid disorders and thyroid health; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/5/2002 | Healing Trauma with Dual Brain Psychology | Dr. Fredric Schiffer, MD, psychiatrist discusses new research that supports the effectiveness of using dual brain psychology for healing past trauma; Resources: Of Two Minds: The Revolutionary Science of Dual-Brain Psychology by Fredric Schiffer |
10/22/2002 | Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture | Monica Moore, co-director of Pesticide Action Network and Dave Henson, director of the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center discuss corrective measure for our farm crisis; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/15/2002 | Hysterectomy and Ovary Removal: How to Protect Yourself | Elizabeth Plourde discusses how women can protect themselves from these commonly ordered surgeries and what to do for your health if you've already had them; Resources: Hysterectomy and Ovary Removal by Elizabeth Plourde |
9/10/2002 | Human Growth Hormone | Physician Dr. Jay Mead, MD, discusses supplementation with human growth hormone; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/3/2002 | The Science of Weight Training | Health educator Layna Berman discusses the science behind weight resistance training; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/20/2002 | Animal Self-Medication | Researcher Dr. Cindy Engel, PhD, discusses how wild animals medicate themselves; Resources: Wild Health by Cindy Engel |
8/13/2002 | Flawed Research: HRT | Physicians Dr. John Lee and Dr. George Gillson, and biochemist Dr. David Zava discuss the flaws in the Women's Health Initiative Study about hormone replacement therapy (HRT); Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee and ZRT Laboratory |
7/30/2002 | Low Carb for Life | Robert Atkins discusses his low carb diet, recently vindicated in the press ; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/23/2002 | Insulin Potentiation Cancer Therapy | Dr. Steven Ayre discusses combining insulin potentiation therapy with chemotherapy, which results in a treatment without side effects; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/16/2002 | Diabetes: Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments and Prevention | Health Educator Layna Berman discusses preventing and treating type 2 diabetes without pharmaceuticals; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/9/2002 | Detoxifying Metals | Dr. Eric Gordon, MD discusses recovery from mercury and other metal toxicity; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/2/2002 | Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution | Dr. Robert Atkins discusses low carbohydrate nutrition; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
6/18/2002 | Heart Stopper: How a Low Fat Diet Can Kill You | Matthew Bayan discusses treatment of small particle LDL and heart disease; Resources: Eat Fat, Be Healthy by Matthew Bayan |
6/11/2002 | Life Without Bread | Dr. Chris Allan, biochemist discusses a starch-free diet; Resources: Life Without Bread by Wolfgang Lutz and Chris Allan |
5/21/2002 | The Testosterone Revolution | Dr. Malcolm Carruthers, MD, British physician and researcher discusses his book on testosterone supplementation; Resources: The Testosterone Revolution by Malcolm Carruthers |
5/14/2002 | The Wrinkle Cure | Dr. Nicholas Perricone, MD discusses his book on natural alternatives for anti-aging ; Resources: The Wrinkle Cure by Nicholas Perricone |
5/7/2002 | Natural Health After Birth | Avia Jill Romm, midwife and journalist, discusses her complete guide to postpartum wellness; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/30/2002 | Non-Toxic Approaches to Residential Pests | Arthur Slater, entomologist and integrated pest management expert from UC Berkeley, discusses non-toxic, alternative approaches to residential pest management; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/23/2002 | Dual-Brain Psychology: An Update | Psychiatrist Fredric Schiffer, MD, discusses the latest research in dual-brain psychology; Resources: Of Two Minds: The Revolutionary Science of Dual-Brain Psychology by Fredric Schiffer |
4/16/2002 | Childhood Autism: A Nutritional Approach | Bernard Rimland, PhD, a research psychologist and founcer of the Autism Research Institute discusses the biological foundation for neurological disorders; Resources: Autism Research Institute |
4/2/2002 | The Testosterone Syndrome | Dr. Eugene Shippen discusses his book about the use of supplemental testosterone to treat a variety of ailments; Resources: The Testosterone Syndrome by Eugene Shippen |
3/26/2002 | Ecological Medicine | Kenny Ausubel, founder of the Bioneers Conference discusses the future of healing using ecological medicine; Resources: Ecological Medicine edited by Kenny Ausubel and the Bioneers Conference |
3/5/2002 | Preventing Sickle Cell and Cancer with Native Diet | West African researcher Dr. Oji Agbai, ND, PhD discusses how substances from traditional diets prevent and control sickle cell anemia and cancer. ; Resources: Sickle Cell Anemia: A Solution At Last by Oji Agbai |
2/19/2002 | What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer | Physician Dr. John Lee, MD and biochemist Dr. David Zava, PhD discuss their new book on why conventional treatments don't work; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee and ZRT Laboratory |
2/5/2002 | The Paleo Diet | Dr. Loren Cordain, discusses his book on the Paleolithic diet and exercise and implications for modern humans; Resources: The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain |
1/29/2002 | How Food and Exercise Regulate Mood | Professor of Psychology Dr. Robert Thayer discusses research on the relationship between food, physical activity, and mood; Resources: Calm Energy by Robert Thayer |
1/22/2002 | Exercise: an Integrative Perspective | Health Educator Layna Berman reviews disease protection and nutrient requirements; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/15/2002 | Vitamin D: How Much? An Update | Researcher Dr. Reinhold Vieth from the University of Toronto and Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/8/2002 | Vaccinations | Herbalist and midwife Avia Jill Romm discusses how parents can make invformed decisions about vaccination; Resources: Vaccinations: a Thoughtful Parent's Guide by Avia Jill Romm |
12/18/2001 | Orthomolecular Medicine: Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies | Orthomolecular Physican Dr. Richard Kunin MD compares conventional medicine to nutrient based medicine.; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicne News Service |
12/11/2001 | Adrenal Fatigue | Dr. James Wilson, ND, DC, PhD discusses diagnosis and healing of adrenal fatigue; Resources: Adrenal Fatigue by James Wilson |
12/4/2001 | Sleep | Pioneer sleep researcher, Dr. William Dement, MD, PhD; Resources: The Promise of Sleep by William Dement |
11/27/2001 | Surviving the Holidays | Health integrationist Layna Berman discusses trategies for preserving immunity, and for avoiding weight gain and burnout; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/13/2001 | Hormones and Cancer | Dr. David Zava, PhD, Director of ZRT Labs.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and ZRT Laboratory |
10/30/2001 | Healing: Bridging Body and Mind | Health Integrationist Layna Berman; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/16/2001 | Kitchen Table Wisdom | Dr. Rachel Remen, MD; Resources: Kitchen Table Wisdom and My Grandfather's Blessings by Rachel Remen |
10/2/2001 | Autoimmunity and Disease | Researcher Dr. Garth Nicholson; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/25/2001 | The Biological Consequences of Stress | Stanford Professor and neurobiologist Dr. Robert Sapolsky; Resources: Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers and The Trouble With Testosterone Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers and The Trouble With Testosterone by Robert Sapolsky |
8/7/2001 | Exercise: How it Works | Health Integrationist Layna Berman discusses exercise and health; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/24/2001 | Treating MS with Transdermal Histimine and Supplements | Researcher Dr. George Gillson, MD, PhD discusses new treatments for multiple sclerosis; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/17/2001 | Preventing Arthritis | Science writer Martin Zucker discusses nonpharmaceutical arthritis prevention; Resources: Preventing Arthritis by Ronald Lawrence and Martin Zucker |
7/10/2001 | Dietary Fat Update | Lipid researcher Mary Enig, PhD discusses the latest on dietary fats; Resources: Know Your Fats by Mary Enig, Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, and Weston A. Price Foundation |
7/3/2001 | I Only Say This Because I Love You | Psychologist Deborah Tannen discusses her book on communication in families; Resources: I Only Say This Because I Love You by Deborah Tannen |
6/12/2001 | Addiction-Free Naturally | Herbalist Brigitte Mars discusses her book about the treatment of addiction using non-invasive, natural therapies; Resources: Addiction-Free Naturally by Brigitte Mars |
6/5/2001 | The Omega 3 Connection | Dr. Andrew Stoll MD discusses his book about the use of omega 3 fatty acids to treat psychiatric symptoms; Resources: The Omega 3 Connection by Andrew Stoll |
5/15/2001 | Trust Us, We're Experts | Journalist John Stauber exposes the spin doctors of industrialized science in his book; Resources: Trust Us, We're Experts by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber |
4/24/2001 | Why is Cancer Killing Our Pets? | Deborah Straw examines treaments and protection; Resources: Why is Cancer Killing Our Pets? by Deborah Straw |
4/10/2001 | Medical Marijuana | Chris Conrad discusses the medicinal uses of marijuana; Resources: Hemp for Health by Chris Conrad |
3/13/2001 | Alternative Cancer Update | Kenny Ausubel, founder of the Bioneers Conference, discusses alternative cancer treatment and prevention; Resources: When Healing Becomes a Crime by Kenny Ausubel and the Bioneers Conference |
3/6/2001 | A General Theory of Love | Dr. Thomas Lewis MD discusses the physiology of love and how it heals us; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/20/2001 | Health Support While Healing Trauma | Layna Berman, Health Integrationist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/13/2001 | Healing Stress Through the Body | Dr. Peter Levine PhD; Resources: Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine |
2/6/2001 | Cholesterol Myths | Researcher Dr. Uffe Ravnskov MD, PhD, discusses the fallacies behind the heart-cholesterol theory; Resources: Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD |
1/30/2001 | Hepatitis C & Naturopathic Treatment | Chemist and Naturopathic Physican Dr. Davis Lamson From the Tahoma Clinic; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/19/2000 | Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature | Science writer, Janine Benyus; Resources: Biomimicry Institute; Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine Benyus |
12/12/2000 | How to Care for Aging Parents | Virginia Morris discusses her complete guide; Resources: How to Care for Aging Parents by Virginia Morris |
11/28/2000 | Vitamin D: Toxic or Bone Saver? | Dr. Reinhold Vieth PhD discusses his research about safe limits for preventing vitamin D deficiency bone loss; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/21/2000 | Alternative Treatments for Prostate Cancer | Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez discusses non-invasive options for the treatment of prostate cancer; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/14/2000 | Men's Health | Health Integrationist Layna Berman discusses health problems of men including dietary, hormonal and lifestyle solutions; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/7/2000 | Natural Healing For Mental Disorders | Dr. Eva Edelman N.D. ; Resources: Natural Healing For Schizophrenia by Eva Edelman |
10/24/2000 | The Multi-orgasmic Couple: The Art of Taoist Sexuality | Doug Abrams and his wife Rachel Carlton Abrams MD discuss their new book - Two hour pledge special; Resources: The Multi-orgasmic Couple: The Art of Taoist Sexuality by Doug Abrams and Rachel Carlton Abrams |
10/17/2000 | The Attack on and the Return of Alternative Cancer Therapies | Kenny Ausubel, founder of the Bioneers Conference, discusses the alternative cancer treatment of Dr. Harry Hoxsey; Resources: When Healing Becomes a Crime by Kenny Ausubel and the Bioneers Conference |
10/10/2000 | Memorial to the work of nutrient researcher Dr. Brian Leibovitz Phd | Ed Fry Consumer Advocate in the vitamin industry; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/19/2000 | Insulin Resistance, Women, and Strength | Layna Berman, Health Integrationist reviews practical solutions; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/5/2000 | Insulin Resistance and Heart Disease | Dr. Gerald Reaven MD discusses his discovery of Syndrome X; Resources: Syndrome X by Gerald Reaven |
8/29/2000 | Cell Phones & Cordless Technology: Are They a Danger to Our Children? | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage of Sage EMF Design discusses the dangers of cell and cordless phones as well as other sources of EMF radiation; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/15/2000 | Evironmental Illness and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities | Health Integrationist Layna Berman; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/18/2000 | Medical Radiation | Dr. John Gofman PhD discusses new research on the increased dangers of medical radiation.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/11/2000 | Nutritive Cancer Therapy | Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez ; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/4/2000 | Exercise Prescriptions | Health Integrationist Layna Berman; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
6/20/2000 | The Heart Stopper Gene: Small Particle LDL | Matthew Bayan discusses his experiences with small particle LDL; Resources: Eat Fat, Be Healthy by Matthew Bayan |
6/13/2000 | Obscure Diagnoses - Often missed ailments and their treatments | Orthomolecular Physican Dr. Richard Kunin; Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicne News Service |
6/6/2000 | Talking to Your Children About Nutrition | Layna Berman, Health Integrationist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
5/30/2000 | Natural Treatments For the Eyes | Dr. Jeffery Anshel, OD discusses his book; Resources: Smart Medicine for Your Eyes by Jeffery Anshel, DO |
5/23/2000 | The Truth About Dietary Fats | Dr. Mary Enig PhD, lipid researcher discusses her book; Resources: Know Your Fats by Mary Enig, Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, and Weston A. Price Foundation |
5/16/2000 | Natural Nutrition For Children | Dr. Abram Hoffer MD PhD discusses his nutrient-based approach to learning and behavior disorders in children; Resources: Dr Hoffer's ABCs of Natural Nutrition for Children by Abram Hoffer |
4/25/2000 | Nutritional Effects on Behavior in Schools and Prisons | Sociologist Stephen Schoenthaler, PhD discusses his long study showing a decrease in violent behavior and increase of IQ with the elimination of junk foods and the addition of a daily multi vitamin.; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/18/2000 | Diabetes Treatment Options | Dr. Richard Bernstein MD; Resources: Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution by Richard Bernstein |
4/11/2000 | Reviewing Current Attacks on Antioxidants and Herbs | Brian Leibovitz PhD Editor-in-Chief of "The Journal of Optimal Nutrition"; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/28/2000 | Breast and Prostate Cancer Risks | Physican John Lee, MD, and David Zava PhD, biochemist and breast cancer researcher discuss cancer risks for women and men posed by the use of drugs used to block sex hormones.; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee and ZRT Laboratory |
3/21/2000 | Multi-orgasmic Man | Douglas Abrams discusses maintaining sexual exbuberance through middle age.; Resources: The Multi-orgasmic Man by Doug Abrams |
3/14/2000 | Medical Aromatherapy : Using Essential Oils to Treat Pathology | Julia Fischer, Medical Aromatherapist; Resources: Medical Aromatherapy and Advanced Aromatherapy by Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt |
2/15/2000 | Soy: Panacea or Poison? | Mike Fitzpatrick PhD Environmental chemist discusses the dangers of the overconsumption of soyfoods; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/8/2000 | Digestive Wellness | Nutritionist Elizabeth Lipski, MS, CNN discusses gut health; Resources: Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD |
2/1/2000 | Drugs and Mental Health | Elliot Valenstein PhD argues against the use of psychiatric medications; Resources: Blaming the Brain by Elliot Valenstein |
1/18/2000 | Safe Seafood | Dr. Steven Webster, Senior Marine Biologist at the Monterery Aquarium discusses safe and sustainable seafood options; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/4/2000 | The Best Nutrition Stories of 99 | Clara Felix; Resources: The Felix Letter: A Commentary on Nutrition |
12/14/1999 | Preparing Your Body For and Recovering From Pregnancy | Trainer, Dancer, Helene Byrne, ACE ; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/7/1999 | Preventing and Treating Prenatal and Infant Trauma | Dr.William Emerson, PhD, pychologist - Emerson Training Seminars; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/23/1999 | Natural Healing for Schizophrenia | Health Educator and Journalist Eva Edelman discusses a nutritional and orthomolecular approach ; Resources: Natural Healing For Schizophrenia by Eva Edelman |
11/16/1999 | Native African Diet Prevents the Presentation of Sickle Cell Anemia | West African researcher Dr. Oji Agbai, ND, PhD discusses how substances from traditional diets prevent and control sickle cell anemia and cancer. ; Resources: Sickle Cell Anemia: A Solution At Last by Oji Agbai |
11/2/1999 | Are Cell Phones Safe? | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage of Sage EMF Design discusses the dangers of cell and cordless phones as well as other sources of EMF radiation; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/26/1999 | 7 Weeks to Emotional Healing | Joan Mathews Larson PhD Using natural supplements to treat psychiatric symptoms; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/12/1999 | Balancing Hormones Throughout Life | Physican Dr. John Lee and researcher Dr. David Zava PhD ; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee and ZRT Laboratory |
10/5/1999 | The Heart Revolution | Kilmer McCulley MD Pathologist and discoverer of the homocysteine-heart disease connection discusses his new book; Resources: The Heart Revolution by Kilmer McCulley |
9/28/1999 | Nutritional Supplements For the Rest of Us (who just want to stay healthy) | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/21/1999 | Antineoplastin: Brain Cancer Breakthrough | Stanislaw Burzynski MD, PhD ; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/14/1999 | Orthomolecular Medicine: Treating with Targeted Nutrient Therapies | Richard Kunin MD (S.F. Physican); Resources: Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society ; Orthomolecular Medicne News Service |
9/7/1999 | Nutritional Therapy for Health Problems | Robert Crayhon, M.A., Nutritionist; Resources: Robert Crayhon's Nutrition Made Simple by Robert Crayhon |
8/24/1999 | Your Drug May Be Your Problem | Peter Breggin MD, Psychiatrist discusses the dangers of psychiatric medications; Resources: The Anti-Depressant Fact Book and Your Drug May Be Your Problem by Peter Breggin |
8/17/1999 | The Dance of Anger | Harriet Lerner, PhD; Resources: The Dance of Anger and The Dance of Fear by Harriet Lerner |
8/10/1999 | Coping with Appropriate Paranoia | Psychiatrist Fredric Schiffer, MD, discusses paranoia and dual-brain psychology; Resources: Of Two Minds: The Revolutionary Science of Dual-Brain Psychology by Fredric Schiffer |
6/8/1999 | Dual Brain Psychology | Psychiatrist Fredric Schiffer, MD, discusses dual-brain psychology; Resources: Of Two Minds: The Revolutionary Science of Dual-Brain Psychology by Fredric Schiffer |
5/25/1999 | Male Vitality and Potency | Holistic physican, Dr. Jonathan Wright discusses his new book about natural remedies; Resources: Maximize Your Vitality and Potency by Jonathan Wright |
5/18/1999 | Healing Addiction and Eating Disorders with The Diet Cure | Julia Ross MA, nutritional psychologist discusses her new book; Resources: The Diet Cure by Julia Ross |
5/11/1999 | The Dangers of Under-resting and Overtraining: Exercise Prudence | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
5/4/1999 | Healing HIV | Dr. Jon Kaiser, a physican with an integrated approach discusses his new book.; Resources: Healing HIV by Jon Kaiser |
4/27/1999 | The Promise of Sleep | Dr. William Dement, MD, PhD - pioneer in sleep medicine discusses his book; Resources: The Promise of Sleep by William Dement |
4/20/1999 | Role of Mycoplasmal Infections in Chronic Illness | Prof. Garth Nicolson, PhD; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/6/1999 | Childhood Autism | Bernard Rimland, PhD, research psychologist and founder of the Autism Research Institute; Resources: Autism Research Institute |
3/2/1999 | Paleolithic Diet How-to | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist discusses recipes and guidelines for pre-agrarian low carb, high protein diet; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/23/1999 | Cancer and Nutrition | Robert Crayhon M.S.; Resources: The Carnitine Miracle and Robert Crayhon's Nutrition Made Simple by Robert Crayhon |
2/2/1999 | Treatment of Accelerated Aging and Diabetes with Protein and Fat | Dr. Ron Rosedale, M.D ; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/12/1999 | Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Mental and Physical Health | Clara Felix; Resources: The Felix Letter: A Commentary on Nutrition |
1/5/1999 | Meditation Made Easy | Meditation Trainer Lorin Roche, PhD; Resources: Meditation Made Easy by Lorin Roche |
12/29/1998 | Weight Resistance Training Programs | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/8/1998 | The Hazards of Cell Phones and EMFs | Environmental consultant Cindy Sage of Sage EMF Design discusses the dangers of cell and cordless phones as well as other sources of EMF radiation; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/17/1998 | Facts about Fats | Mary Enig PhD, lipid researcher; Resources: Know Your Fats by Mary Enig, Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, and Weston A. Price Foundation |
11/10/1998 | Marijuana as Medicine | Bill Zimmerman PhD; Resources: Is Marijuana the Right Medicine For You? by Bill Zimmerman, Nancy Crumpacker, and Rick Bayer |
11/3/1998 | The Pharmaceutical-ization of Vitamin Supplements | Edward Fry, Consumer Advocate; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/13/1998 | Nutritional Strategies for Preventing Heart Disease | Nutritionist Robert Crayhon; Resources: The Carnitine Miracle and Robert Crayhon's Nutrition Made Simple by Robert Crayhon |
9/29/1998 | Examining Health Myths | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/22/1998 | Homeopathic Remedies | Dr. Corey Weinstein, MD; Resources: Healing Homeopathic Remedies by Corey Weinstein |
9/8/1998 | Auto-Immunity and Lupus | Robert Lahita, MD and Henry Scammell; Resources: Lupus: Everything You Need To Know by Robert Lahita and The New Arthritis Breakthrough and Scleroderma by Henry Scammell |
9/1/1998 | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | Dr. Ian Osborn, MD; Resources: Tormenting Thoughts And Secret Rituals by Ian Osborn |
8/18/1998 | Exercise as Medicine | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/28/1998 | Exercise: How Much? | Layna Berman Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/14/1998 | The Hidden Dangers of Residential Pesticides | Entomologist, Arthur Slater MS, Instructor Structural Pest Control U.C. Berkeley and Justin Ruben, Pesticide Watch; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/7/1998 | High Protein and Super Nutrients | Robert Crayhon MS; Resources: The Carnitine Miracle and Robert Crayhon's Nutrition Made Simple by Robert Crayhon |
6/23/1998 | Breast Cancer and Hormones | Dr. David Zava, Research Biochemist; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and ZRT Laboratory |
6/9/1998 | Becoming One With Nature | Tai Chi and Quigong Martin Lee PhD; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
5/26/1998 | Training From the Inside Out: Securing the Trunk | Layna Berman Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
5/12/1998 | Before the Change: Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause | Ann Louise Gittleman, MS, CNS; Resources: Before the Change: Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause by Ann Louise Gittleman |
5/5/1998 | Natural Dental Remedies | Dr. Flora Parsa Stay DDS; Resources: The Complete Book of Dental Remedies by Flora Parsa Stay |
4/28/1998 | Living with Chronic Illness | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/31/1998 | De-mystifying Thyroid Disorders | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/24/1998 | Should You Leave? Intimacy and autonomy | Psychologist Dr. Peter Kramer; Resources: Should You Leave? Intimacy and Autonomy by Peter Kramer |
3/17/1998 | Eating Disorders Allergy/Addiction | Julia Ross MFCC, director Recovery Systems; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/10/1998 | Environmentally Healthy Home | David Kibbey, Natural Building Consultant; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/3/1998 | Potatoes not Prozac Overcoming sugar addiction | Kathleen DesMaisons, PhD; Resources: Potatoes Not Prozac: Overcoming Sugar Addiction by Kathleen DesMaisons |
2/10/1998 | Achieving Emotional Literacy | Psychologist Claude Steiner, PhD; Resources: Emotional Literacy by Claude Steiner |
2/3/1998 | The Biology of the Human Predicament | Robert Sapolsky PhD Stanford Prof., MacArthur Grant Receipt.; Resources: Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers and The Trouble With Testosterone by Robert Sapolsky |
1/27/1998 | The Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel | Candace Pert PhD; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/20/1998 | Dispelling Myths about Weight Resistance Training | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/6/1998 | You're Not Old Until You're Ninety... Best to be Prepared However | Rebecca Latimer, age 92; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/16/1997 | The Biology of Stress | Robert Sapolsky PhD ; Resources: Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers and The Trouble With Testosterone by Robert Sapolsky |
11/11/1997 | Natural Hormone Replacement | Dr. Jonathan Wright MD; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/4/1997 | Inner Voice and Intuition in Healing | Myrtle Heery PhD; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/28/1997 | Environmental Illness and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/21/1997 | Thyroid Health | Dr. Stephen Langer MD; Resources: Solved: the Riddle of Illness by Stephen Langer |
10/7/1997 | Detoxification and Healing | Dr. Sydney Baker MD; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/23/1997 | Healing Arthritis the Natural Way | Luke Bucci PhD, CNS, CCN; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/16/1997 | How to Protect Your Heart From Your Doctor: Alternatives to Bypass Surgery and Angioplasty | Dr. Howard Wayne MD; Resources: Do You Really Need Bypass Surgery? A Second Opinion and How to Protect Your Heart From Your Doctor by Howard Wayne, MD and The Noninvasive Heart Center |
9/9/1997 | Why Women Fall Apart and How They can Recreate Their Lives | Martha Beck PhD, psychologist; Resources: Breaking Point by Martha Beck |
9/2/1997 | Nourishing Traditions | Sally Fallon and Dr. Mary Enig discuss their book; Resources: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon, Know Your Fats by Mary Enig, and Weston A. Price Foundation |
8/26/1997 | Health Strategies for the Highly Sensitive | Health Educator Layna Berman; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/15/1997 | Male Depression | Psychologist Terrence Real discusses overt and covert depression in men; Resources: I Don't Want To Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression by Terrence Real |
7/1/1997 | Natural Skin Care | Joni Loughran discusses skin care; Resources: Joni Loughran's Natural Skin Care by Joni Loughran |
6/20/1997 | Exercise: Getting Started, Starting Over | Health Educator Layna Berman, with an editorial by research biochemist Dr. David Zava; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and ZRT Laboratory |
6/17/1997 | The Life of the Skin | Dr. Arthur Balin and Dr. Lorreta Pratt Balin discuss their book; Resources: The Life of the Skin by Arthur Balin and Lorreta Pratt Balin |
6/10/1997 | Safe Drinking Water | Colin Ingram discusses safe drinking water.; Resources: The Drinking Water Book by Colin Ingram |
6/3/1997 | Seven Weeks to Sobriety | Dr. Joan Mathews Larson discusses her book; Resources: Seven Weeks to Sobriety by Joan Mathews Larson |
5/6/1997 | Nutrition Update | Nutritionist Clara Felix discusses the latest research in nutrition.; Resources: The Felix Letter: A Commentary on Nutrition |
4/22/1997 | The Challenges of Middle Age | Health Educator Layna Berman; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/15/1997 | Dr. Burzynski and the FDA | Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski MD, PhD discusses his battles with the cancer establishment; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
4/8/1997 | Chronic Illness and Gut Health | Nutritionist Dr. Elizabeth Lipski discusses digestive wellness; Resources: Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD |
4/1/1997 | Hormones and the Heart | Physician Dr. John Lee, MD; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee |
2/25/1997 | Awakenings | Neurologist Oliver Sacks, MD; Resources: Awakenings by Oliver Sacks |
2/11/1997 | Nutrition and the Endrocrine System | Ray Peat PhD; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
1/14/1997 | Who's in the Zone? | Barry Sears PhD Versus Robert Crayhon MS, Nutritionist; Resources: The Carnitine Miracle and Robert Crayhon's Nutrition Made Simple by Robert Crayhon and Enter the Zone by Barry Sears |
1/7/1997 | Brain Health Update | Dr. Parris Kidd PhD; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/17/1996 | Chronic Fatigue | William Collinge MPH, PhD and Dr. Paul Chaney MD, PhD; Resources: Recovering From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by William Collinge and Paul Chaney |
12/10/1996 | Liver Health Supplements and De-mystifying EFAs | Dr. Parris Kidd Biochemist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
12/3/1996 | The Highly Sensitive Person | PsychologistDr. Elaine Aron; Resources: The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron |
11/12/1996 | Thyroid/Progesterone and Diet | Raymond Peat PhD Biologist, Researcher; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/24/1996 | The Art of Self-Care | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/17/1996 | What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause | Physician Dr. John Lee, MD; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee |
7/30/1996 | Training With a Chronic Illness | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
7/9/1996 | The Complete Book of Dental Remedies | Flora Parsa Stay DDS; Resources: The Complete Book of Dental Remedies by Flora Parsa Stay |
7/2/1996 | The Psychology of Exercise | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
6/25/1996 | Sleep Thieves | Stanley Coren PhD; Resources: Sleep Thieves by Stanley Coren |
6/18/1996 | Care for Aging Parents | Journalist Virginia Morris; Resources: How to Care for Aging Parents by Virginia Morris |
4/16/1996 | Mind/Body/Spirit Approaches to Cancer Treatment | Dr. Carl Simonton, MD Cancer Specialist; Resources: The Healing Journey by Carl Simonton |
4/2/1996 | The Art of Weight Training | Layna Berman, Health Integration Specialist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
3/19/1996 | Between Heaven and Earth: Chinese Medicine | Harriet Benfield, Accupuncturist; Resources: Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine by Harriet Benfield |
3/12/1996 | Zen And Psychotherapy | Steven Weintraub, Psychologist and Zen Buddhist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
2/20/1996 | Headache Free | Dr. Roger Cady MD, Headache Specialist; Resources: Headache Free by Roger Cady |
2/13/1996 | The Good Marriage | Judith Wallerstein, Clinical Psychologist; Resources: The Good Marriage by Judith Wallerstein |
1/16/1996 | The Dark Side of Love: The Positive Role of Our Negative Feelings | Jane Goldberg PhD; Resources: The Dark Side of Love by Jane Goldberg |
1/9/1996 | The History of Diet | Mark Nathan Cohen, Professor of Anthropology; Resources: Health and the Rise of Civilization by Mark Nathan Cohen |
1/2/1996 | A New Approach to Change: Natural Progesterone | Physician Dr. John Lee, MD; Resources: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John Lee and David Zava and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee |
12/19/1995 | Different Approaches to Homeopathy | Nicola Henriques, LicLCCH, MHMA, BRCP and Dana Ullman, MPH; Resources: Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines: Safe and Effective Remedies for You and Your Family by Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman and Homeopathic Educational Services |
12/5/1995 | A Balanced Approach to Improved Brain Function | Parris Kidd PhD, Biochemist, Researcher in Product Development; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
11/21/1995 | Radiation Exposure: Are You at Risk? | John Gofman MD, PhD, Nuclear Physical Chemistry, Prof of Molecular and Cell Biology, UC; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
10/10/1995 | Magic and the Voice of the Body | Deepak Chopra, MD; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
9/26/1995 | Native American Herbal Medicine | Karyn Sanders, Clinical Herbologist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/29/1995 | Creating a Non-toxic Home and Office | David Kibbey, Nat. Building Ntwrk and David Bierman, Accupuncturist; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |
8/15/1995 | Arthritis: Everyday Life as a Healing | Darlene Cohen, MA; Resources: Arthritis: Stop Suffering, Start Moving by Darlene Cohen |
8/8/1995 | Exposing Supplement Myths | Ed Fry, Consumer Advocate; Resources: Too Much Medicine, Not Enough Health by Jeffry Fawcett and Layna Berman |